Happy Labor Day!! Weekend Plans?


New member
What exciting weekend offroad plans do YOU have?

The person with the most exciting plans wins...uh...the most exciting weekend. If you want something more, you can call yourself "The Postess with the Mostest"....you just have to introduce yourself that way to everyone you meet. :D

Again, I won't be Jeeping it (I do off-road, really) but I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with a buddy in NYC. I even been workin' out special 'cause last time we went running in Central Park and he whooped my ***. I shant let that happen again!!! :twisted:

I need to head over there so...umm...I'm bustin' this popsicle stand!!

Happy No-Labor Day Weekend!!!
Half door full door top?

Want to go up to lockwood with rm250,but I cant.One of these weekends I will be able to head out there and have some fun.

I'm spending the weekend at Penn State Hazleton where I now reside. Unfourtunely, I won't be Jeeping it up, However there are alot of great house parties going on off campus. I'll probably hit up a few of those (not in the jeep of course, only an idiot drives a jeep, or any car under the uinfluence) And we have this great kid who volunteered to be the designated driver, so itll be cool

Yup I have the pleasure of company coming this week end. We are cleaning the house a little and getting everything ready to share the trails and our home with good friends. PASmokeater and family (our extened family) are leaving Philly tonight with Greaywolf and the Ladywolf. L33TJ33P is on the way up from Atlanta. Just can not waite to get out and play in the woods again. We have become very close with Rob & Toshi Rene' my wife and Toshi cost us plenty in Phone bills. hehehehehe Good weekend Tug

Staying close to home this holiday, catching up on things. Working tommorrow <sigh>.
I think i'll be taking at least one of the days off (i hope) and going camping on our areas highest point... Cloud 9

My plans have been amended as of 3:30 this afternoon. As I was filling up the jeep with gas I suddenly noticed that there was an abundance of gasoline pouring out of my gas tank. I crawled under to look and saw a HUGE GAPING crack about halfway up my tank. After waiting 1 hour for AAA, 30 minutes at the jeep dealer across the street and 1 1/2 hours fighting with enterprise to rent me a car, I finally arrived home at 9 in a Toyota Echo. I felt like a flaming homo driving an echo around and am now at home crying over my jeep :cry:
Actually,I am going to head out to lockwood this weekend.I am still waiting for rm250 to get back to me.I will be sure to take lots of pics. :) Later
to ladyjeepfreak and the rest of you working this weekend, i'll be working too. besides that though, i'm going to see some old friends and do some homework...trying to keep the procrastination to a minimum this year. so all in all, nothing too exciting going on over here. happy labor day weekend to all :)
Well.. i may be joining you workers this weekend... I just picked up a roof job, a countertop, a carpet job, and a garage to paint... and they all "NEED" it done 50 years ago... so i may have to cancel any fun... oh well... its "labor day"... so i guess some "labor" is called for
Hi Everybody!

Plans for the weekend?
Well... How about posting here for the first time?
Up here in BC, there's currently a $10,000 fine for being in the back country because of the forest fires - the bush is so dry, it doesn't take much to set off a fire... Lots of people have been evacuated - and a lot of folks have lost their homes...

Don't mean to dampen anybody's fun - just thought I'd let you know...

Here's to hoping your weekend is better!


My 4wd isn't working right now, so I'll hit the trails on the 4wheeler, not the same, but there will be lot's of mud.