Hands Free Headset...


New member
Can anyone recommend a good hands-free headset for their cell phone that has worked for them in their noisy Wrangler? I tried out this Jabra hands free headset with a little boom mic that came halfway down my cheek, but it was pretty worthless, no one could hear me when I was driving. My phone is a Motorola T730 and uses the little 2.5mm jack.


maybe one of those that connect to the radio and has a Mic like special forces use. You know, the ones that wrap around your neck ;)
You shoudn't be talking on the phone when you are diving anyways!!! Your best be is just holding when you drive and lean close to the winshield.
walmart sells a system that has a wireless fm modulator built into it that allows the phone to play through your stereo speakers. you mount a microphone to the sun visor or whatever and just talk. i use it and its pretty good, you can turn it up as loud as you want.

Jetski180 said:
You shoudn't be talking on the phone when you are diving anyways!!! Your best be is just holding when you drive and lean close to the winshield.

What are you his uncle??!! :lol: :lol: JK

Indiemo, I'd rather you get a headset, it's safe enough. At best buy I saw one with a windmuffler and a noise filter that supposedly is usable while in a convertable, riding a bike, whatever. They are out there.
I prefer the hold-the-phone-to-the-ear method. I don't talk long and I'm quite comfortable with my ability to talk and drive, just as I am confident of my ability to walk and chew gum simultaneously. I do have a hands free speakerphone adapter that works great while I'm typing though!
I will take criticism for using my phone while driving ONLY from those who have never done ANY of the following while driving:

*Applied makeup
*Ate anything
*Drank anything
*Smoked anything
*Changed a tape
*changed a CD
*Made any type of adjustment to their car radio
*Read a map
*read instructions
*checked out a hot chick (or guy for you ladies)
*turned around to talk to or yell at their kids
*had an arguement with a spouse or significant other
*put on or removed an article of clothing (remember John Candy in Planes, trains, and automobiles?)
*stared at address #'s instead of the road because they were looking for a house #
*Scratched an itch
*blew their nose
*basically did anything that could distract you for a second or more

I could go on and on, but I'm tired and I'm sure you all get the idea.

My point is, anyone who is not capable of talking on a phone while driving, is probably someone who does not take their driving responsibility very seriously and is probably a threat whether they talk on a phone or not.

That hands-free law was a big debate here in Maryland a while back. Fortunately it was beat down and thrown out.

No matter how many laws are on the books, they can never replace responsibility and common sense.
TwistedCopper said:
I prefer the hold-the-phone-to-the-ear method. I don't talk long and I'm quite comfortable with my ability to talk and drive, just as I am confident of my ability to walk and chew gum simultaneously. I do have a hands free speakerphone adapter that works great while I'm typing though!
I will take criticism for using my phone while driving ONLY from those who have never done ANY of the following while driving:

*Applied makeup
*Ate anything
*Drank anything
*Smoked anything
*Changed a tape
*changed a CD
*Made any type of adjustment to their car radio
*Read a map
*read instructions
*checked out a hot chick (or guy for you ladies)
*turned around to talk to or yell at their kids
*had an arguement with a spouse or significant other
*put on or removed an article of clothing (remember John Candy in Planes, trains, and automobiles?)
*stared at address #'s instead of the road because they were looking for a house #
*Scratched an itch
*blew their nose
*basically did anything that could distract you for a second or more

I could go on and on, but I'm tired and I'm sure you all get the idea.

My point is, anyone who is not capable of talking on a phone while driving, is probably someone who does not take their driving responsibility very seriously and is probably a threat whether they talk on a phone or not.

That hands-free law was a big debate here in Maryland a while back. Fortunately it was beat down and thrown out.

No matter how many laws are on the books, they can never replace responsibility and common sense.

Funny you posted what I really wanted to post. Yeah sure, some people can't drive and talk at the same time. The REAL issue here is: sould someone without the ablility to talk and drive be driving in the first place?? I don't want to turn this into another debate tread, but come on.

I wholeheartedly agree with you TC!! I personally HAVE the ability to talk and drive. Maybe they sould just give out less licenses and include phone usage in driving tests. Heheheheheeheheh.
Agreed! If the Maryland law about hands-free driving had gone through I think I'd have moved.... haha jk...

just today though I saw a cop talking on his cell phone, make an illegal right turn on red.... talk about ironic...
aw 4 goes into 'safe mode' while wheelin?

TwistedCopper said:
mingez said:
I wholeheartedly agree with you TC!!

Hey dude... it's happened before. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Remember that one time...uhhh... that one time... when did we??

Hey, we both like Jeepz, Jeeps, own XJ's. We've gotta have SOME common ground. Heeheeheeheeheehee! :)