Greenies trying to close down trails...tell them NO!!!


Our illustrious new Governor is asking alot of people in the BLM and other outdoor agencies, to resign! So far, all of the ones that have received the "Please resign" letter, have been republicans. Lt. Gov Diane Denish is a hardcore enviromental freak. So expect alot of attempts to close trails to everything except hikers.[addsig]

i clicked on all of your links and i couldnt find the place to vote, i even clicked on every link of the kvvi or whatever's website. sorry man[addsig]


Thanks for your looks like KVII took the poll was a landslide in our favor...see the results here

I think we probably overloaded thier server hehe....they got over 1500hits in the past 12 hours.


Post your own poll "Do you think the tree hugging self proclaimed cry baby whale saving torch carring goodie two shoe folk of the world mind their own business and leave the off roaders alone"? Later tug

I bet if all the self righteous tree huggers, like the earth liberation front that set fire to several cars at a car dealership, would just let things be the world would take care of itself! Yes there are some areas that you should off road in and most of us know where those places are.[addsig]


<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE> "Do you think the tree hugging self proclaimed cry baby whale saving torch carring goodie two shoe folk of the world mind their own business and leave the off roaders alone"? </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>

Truer words, my friend, truer words. I had the... uh.... pleasure....... of working with the Enviro-Corp folks here in Elkhart, IN. It's a great story, but for the sake of the forum I'll keep it to myself unless one of you ask. Either way, tug's right. We aren't stupid. We can destinquish where we can, can't, and shouldn't offroad. Rocky trails = yes; Meadows = no. Why is that so FREAKIN' hard to understand to the baja impaired? Nothing against the tree sucking GreenPeace community, but give us just a shred of credit. That's just my opinion.... I could be wrong.[addsig]

We all know the reason why the trails are being closed...same reason why some parents will not give their kids a bb gun or sling shot...some will use them responsibly, and others will rape their priviledges to no end. While most of the people on this site will be responsible off road and not tear up mother nature destroying precious, vital life systems, there are those who will operate irresponsibly and cause major damage. I'm not an extreme tree hugger, or I wouldn't drive a Jeep, I'd drive a Honda Hybrid. However, I do respect nature, and evolution. Life; animal(human included) or plant, is an incredibly resilient entity. Even though it has that ability to heal, it is also fragile. In some lake environments, if a population of bacteria is made extinct, the rest of that ecosystem will follow the same fate. I HATE seeing beer bottles, cig butts, or any trash on rivers, lakes, trails, anywhere except a trash can. It's not hard to be responsible. I think we all should respect what makes our lives possible and that is the Earth and environment. Without the sun, plants, and the miracle of photosynthesis, none of us would be able to enjoy our Jeeps. I'd also hate being part of a generation which contributes to the destruction of the ecosystem, which is why I'm not so hot about all the catalytic converter modifications. It's on there for a reason. Don't sacrifice future trails or future trail riders for a few extra horses that most of us really don't need anyway. Who is sponsored out there? Ok. I'm not playing Mother Nature (my recognized deity...other than Darwin) here...but it would be nice if everybody could be a little less selfish with their own desires, and a little more appreciative of what this planet has to offer. We've been here only 1/1000000th of the time and caused %90 of the damage within only 100yrs. If I could drive a Jeep powered with some alternative energy source, I would in a heartbeat. But in the mean time...I'll dispose of my trash responsibly, drive safely offroad, keep my Jeep's emissions legal, and get off my soapbox. Really don't want to piss anyone off...just a thought to consider. Good luck to everybody this year.

About the catalytic converter issue...even though I took my cat out and hollowed it, that is a practice that I would like to discourage. The only reason that I did it was because my catalytic converter was no good anyway....the core of it had come apart and was blocking my exaust....causing my jeep to run poorly and get bad gas mileage, not to mention the junk inside the cat rattled real bad at idle...bang bang clang clunk...etc. Hollowing my cat out for me is just a temporary solution....when I can afford a new cat ($150), I will most certainly put one on there. As far as taking off a perfectly good cat and hollowing it...there is no reason to do wont really help your power much and makes more pollution and a stinky exaust. If you want more power put on headers, get a better more free flowing muffler, put in a cold air intake, etc...there is no reason to ruin a perfectly good catalytic converter...not to mention if you do hollow it and get emissions will probably fail and as forementioned cats are not cheap.[addsig]


Don't get me wrong guys and gals.... I believe in respecting nature. I recycle what I can, don't burn paper, and other things. You guys (Natty n' Ray) are correct. The CAT issue is the same one I have. Mine is hollowed, but it's not permanent. I don't like breathing in exaust, and I would assume that other's wouldn't either. What I can't stand though is that when I see the guys at Enviro-Corp, they look at my Jeep and then at me with the look that I'm nothing more than a threat to them. I do agree that the minority of offroader are idiots about the "Tread Lightly" program, but to say that all offroaders are irrisponsible is not only stereotypical but insane.[addsig]