got an email from Daimler Chrysler regarding my FSM's...


Active member
i got an email the other day... looks like i have to take down my free downloads!

Dear Nate, I work for the exclusive trademark licensing agency for the MOPAR Division of DaimlerChrysler Corp. We have been alerted to your website due to the JEEP Manuals you have made available for download for free. It appears these are DaimlerChrysler vehicles manuals by your description calling them "Factory Service Manuals". If these are DaimlerChrysler manuals and you are not licensed to sell these vehicle manuals for free, you must remove them from your website. Please contact me immediately to inform me of your status and the status of this free download. My contact info is Cindy Julian, Trademarketing Resources, Inc. 248-922-9678 and my email is above. I look forward to hearing from you.

Regards, Cindy Julian

does this sound legit? what happens if i keep offering these manuals for download? i already took them down, i'm just curious and am not very familiar with american corporate legal jargon...
thinking of buying a tj is it worth this much?

Sounds like it could be a copyright issue. You know... the whole "this information can not be distributed in part or in whole" in pretty much any format. Since you have this info electronically for anyone to access, I guess it COULD be considered a copyright infringement. Not sure though. Is there a section in the manuals that have the copyright info? Check that out and see.....

The whole copyright, licensing, trademark stuff can be a bit confusing.

Looks legit to me, as DC is always quick to tighten the grip on what they've trademarked. They've got the deep pockets that allow them to pay people whose only job is to seek out trademark and copyright infringement.
i'd be proud of where your website is reaching... thats good stuff...

in what format did you have the manuals... pdf, image, text?? if it was in text... i don't see why you couldn't make them availible for viewing under another name... it is not illegal for anyone here to say "you should use bla bla bla size wrench to remove the bla bla bla nut from the bla bla bla" even if it is directly worded from a FSM

i have my site linked under most if not all major search engines, and people typing stuff into google and whatnot can find my site through key words... most popular are "jeep cherokee" and "FSM"

dingus said:
i have my site linked under most if not all major search engines, and people typing stuff into google and whatnot can find my site through key words... most popular are "jeep cherokee" and "FSM"


Ahaaa!! Hence the copyright. Same reason you can't copy a movie and legally let others download it. You'd have to be out of the country and mirror it somewhere to be safe. And even then you aren't supposed to. I'd stop if I were you..just so they don't prosecute. And they will.

And, if more that 1000 dollars worth manuals have been downloaded, it's a felony.
emission problems

dingus wrote:

...what happens if i keep offering these manuals for download?

dingus, if you continue to offer copyrighted material for download from your website, real bad things might happen to you.

You need to become familiar with Titles 17 and 18 of the United States Code -- not easy reading, but slog through it anyway.

The US Code can be found here:

The above is the Federal take on the issue. States also have copyright law.

If you are going to be in the web-page biz, you need to have some familiarity with copyright and trademark.

