

New member
I don't know if any of you use Google very often, but I use the Calendar, Gmail, Earth, Blogger, and Maps ALL of the time.

Lately, it seems as if they've either been down a lot, or having some serious lag time.

Are any of you experiencing this?

I've noticed as well. I also use Gmail, Calendar, Spreadsheets, Earth, etc...shame because it all rocks!
They are cutting back on bandwith in order to outfit there new 767 jumbo jet with California King size beds and hammocks so they can fly all of their buds around...but they're enviormentaly friendly...right?

I personaly havn't had any problem with the search engine, but that is all I use from them for now.
Just caught something on the news last night about them and bad data....don't know what it was all about, so I can't really say. All I use them for is the search engine, and have never had problems there.....

I think its because all the microsoft execs are going over there. They are teaching google how to build a product that is completely unreliable. I think my computer is about to crash.