Getting the Itch...


New member
Hello All!
First let me say MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

Well only 3 more payments on the Z71 so I am starting to get...well actually have had for sometime...the itch for another Jeeper!

I have started watching the local papers and searching Craigs List for some formable rides.

Will keep ya updated along I hope...good thing is the "boss" did not want to get rid of the first one and is on the wagon for a replacement! So the process should go rather smoothly.......I Hope!:shades:

Merry X mas to you also.How do you like those super swampers.I have been looking at them and the price is right.
That's great news!!!! Especially with the wife on board! We've missed you around here. Please go pre-'07!!......I think some Hummer people have invaded the Jeep corporate headquarters lately.