Gasoline Type


New member
In the current time of increasing gas prices I began thinking about the grade of gas I use. I have heard a couple different things and I am hoping we can shed some light on the issue.

I have heard 2 schools of though. The first is that premium gas burns cleaner so if you use that your engine will stay cleaner and perform better. The second is that all factory jeep engines are made to run on regular gas and by using premium you are wasting money and could be hurting your jeep. (I dont remember how it actually does damage)

What grade does everyone use and what do we think about the 2 different theories.

87 octane. The cheapest I can find. This is my 11th car and besides the 442 and Camaro, I've always used the lowest octane. Those two cars got premium because they had higher compression engines that loved to chug the stuff.

I've never seen any (personal) evidence that it caused any harm or performed any worse off on the cheap stuff. If it doesn't ping on the lower octane, I say stick with it.
85 Octain here. I have heard people say that you get better gas mileage with higher octain but I think it is a load of crap besides you don't save enough to make a differance.
use the lowest rating you can use without ping... there are no advantages of using more expensive gas if you are not pinging

paintin' the underbelly...


I use 87 octane (the lowest grade). My engines never seem to complain. Occasionally (like maybe once a month) I'll run 89 octane, but that's not very often. :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
The cheap stuff! 87!

High octane is only good if you are running a high performance motor that is tuned to run high octane gasoline.

My jeep runs 100 octane! When you pushing huge ponies like I am, you need that extra !umph! to get from A to B.

most engines these days, even if "recommended" to use premium, are still designed to run on 87 octane... it is good up to a compression ratio of about 10:1
So I guess the general opinion is to just go regular 87 octane. Does the octane boost actually do anything? I have heard it only provides a 0.1 boost.
I will second what Snitty wrote.. Use the lowest grade that you can without pinging or knocking without going below the minimum suggested octane called for by the manual. My mother's Lincoln calls for minimum 91 octane (premium grade), while my Wrangler and Cherokee call for minumum 87 octane (reg).

Presents for a TJ

I run the Jeep on 89 Octane which is the mid-grade here. The Suburban gets 87 on a daily basis and Super when I am towing. It's a noticeable difference when towing. Some stations have 93 Octane here. Combine that with a can of Outlaw Octane Booster and she's towing fool.
redrooster, is there a reason you choose to go with 89 for the jeep instead of 87? or is it just preference?
It's got an AMC 360 with GM throttle body injection. I have had the chip tuned with a more advanced timing curve for performance. It will run on 87 just fine, but as little as I drive it (a tank a month...maybe) I figured I would keep her loaded with some good gas. Besides, sometimes I need just that little bit of extra oomph.
Some of you guys with fuel injected Jeep should really do some research on performance chips. I have not stidied these for Jeeps but it is common to get HP and mileage gains from a chip. They are worth the couple hundred bucks in other vehicles that I have seen and driven.

leaf springs weak?

This is good to know. I've been using mid-grade only because it seemed to be a happy medium (no pun intended). I'll give 87 a try...hopefully I don't ping.
common misconception here... higher octane gas doesn't increase the power of your engine... it just burns slower and "cleaner"... the reason some people feel an "increase" is because many cars have deposits in the combustion chamber, increasing the compression ratio... or many other factors causing early detonation... where the higher octane will alleviate that, and let the motor run like it is supposed to... it doesn't burn any stronger, or make the motor any more powerful... though i can see where it can be seen that way
those injector cleaners don't do anything, they are a waste of money. I have never noticed any difference. I do, however, notice that my engine runs a lot better with the best gas and even the mid grade.

bryanjeep said:
those injector cleaners don't do anything, they are a waste of money. I have never noticed any difference. I do, however, notice that my engine runs a lot better with the best gas and even the mid grade.

Actualy they do do something.... they foul up your spark plugs pre-maturely if you use the injector cleaner too often. :roll:

-Nick :!:
Berryman's B-12 Chemtool... AMAZING stuff... along with Seafoam... they are both great products, they both clean injectors and cylinder deposits very well
those injector cleaners don't do anything, they are a waste of money. I have never noticed any difference. I do, however, notice that my engine runs a lot better with the best gas and even the mid grade.

then you are using some wal-mart cleaner, use Seafoam, or Lucas Upper cylinder cleaner and lube, then say there isnt a diffrence

I have tried all of those on every one of our vehicles. They didnt do anything.