found the woodpecker


New member

turns out the u bracket that holds up the exust pipe and rusted and snapped. this caused the exust pipe to vibrate off the trac bar. The quick fix was to wire it up w/ a coathanger. after todays outing (which wasn't very plesent, and ill get into that later0 ive noticed the muffler seems loose and bounces around quite a little bit. I need a more perminant solution the the coathanger fix (one that doesn't involve welding is a plus...) and tomorrow im gonna poke around and figure y the muffler is loose again, but does anyone know what i should look for? and lastley, the whole exust system is pissing me off and im just looking for an excuse to swap it out. what should i get in this case? thanx[addsig]


if i were you i'd just go to the autoparts store and buy a whole bunch of BIG (diameter) exhaust clamps... you know, the kind that you screw down to make the circumference smaller... they're silver... yeah...


lol, maybe thats what all that fur is from....[addsig]