
I saw a graph on the news showing tornado sightings and soutwestern Iowa was hammered.

Does your area flow into the Missouri and then into the Mississippi near St. Louis? If so, my hunting ground will soon be under.
yep, we are on the border for the most part with Nebraska. the creeks and river that were over flowing all dump into the Missouri river. we have part of the city under about 4ft of water. about 40 homes evacuated. We were out at 3am telling people that the water was coming, just a matter of time till it was to come out of the dikes and flood the town. Most people didn't listen after daylight they were back in their homes and one guy was even cooking out on his back porch as the water was coming only about 2 block away from his place. every one did get out just fine. and some of the residents were able to get to their homes today by flat bottom boats to get stuff. and tomorrow I'm back at it again helping out again, keeping a few rescuers on site just in case someone does something stupid or has an accident.
We're dealing with much of the same in parts of Kansas, too. Upstream from us in the Arkansas River Basin there has been well over a foot of rain from Sunday morning through Monday morning, all on top of heavily saturated ground, so it all just ran off instead of soaking in. Many areas hit by the tornado outbreak of Friday night are now under flood waters.

So....................from y'alls posts, I guess we can be expecting a rise in the river level down here, right???

Never in my wildest imagination did I ever think that my life would be directly impacted by the level of the Mississippi River...................ain't life strange????
Well, the water from northwest of us made it down our way today. The Arkansas river is out of it's banks north of town. They closed a bridge crossing it west of here about 4 miles last night due to flooding. I haven't seen the Ark that high in about 20 years, and it hasn't crested yet. I think it's supposed to crest around 10pm tonight. What is normally about 150-200 yards wide is now close to a mile and a half wide and growing!

Anybody know how long a cubit is? I've got a little project going, and I'm stumped by the instructions. Oh, yeah, one more thing: I'm missing a female yak, so if you see one wandering around please return it. I hate to leave without a full set.

Anybody know how long a cubit is? I've got a little project going, and I'm stumped by the instructions. Oh, yeah, one more thing: I'm missing a female yak, so if you see one wandering around please return it. I hate to leave without a full set.

a standard cubit is about 18 inches long. A good measuring stick used to be the length of a man's forearm, but the Royal Egyptian Cubit was longer than that.

Gonna be a beeoch finding good Gopher wood this time of year, good luck!:purple: :purple: :purple:
They've moved the crest time up to noon or a little after today. I'm staying home from work to help some of the locals sandbag their farmhouses, then it's off to the dikes to try to get them fixed. We've had 5 spots in the dike breached between Yoder and No Hope (about 15 miles). According to the news, it's at a record high since the flood of September 1973. Funny, but I remember that one because the river actually made it into town. The river is 2 miles north of us.

Dang, man, these poor farmers around here can't get a break! Last year the wheat burned up because it was so dry. This year it froze bad from the two late snows we had in April, now it's flooded and some of it was wiped out in the tornadoes from last weekend, or at least is full of debris that will have to be picked up before harvest. :(

A few pics:

Breaching the dike.



The bridge north of town. The water is 18 feet and rising here. Normally, there are just a few little channels about 15 feet wide and at the most a foot deep through here:


Poor little moo cows, stuck on their own little island:

Oh, yeah, one more thing: I'm missing a female yak, so if you see one wandering around please return it. I hate to leave without a full set.
Good News Sparky...your Yak showed up this afternoon. She was saying something derogitory about having to share her stall with your YJ.
And how bad your YJ drips oil.

Good luck with the sand bagging...your in our prays

They have posted a flood warning for here. They say the snow pack in the mountains is 160% above normal and if it gets warm enough for long enough the Fraser River which runs all through BC is supposed to flood. Unfortunately I live right in front of the river (500 feet away) near the mouth where it dumps into the Pacific Ocean. Looks like it's a good thing I have that snorkel on my jeep. Never thought I'd be crossing my fingers for cooler weather.