heres a place i found to get my t-5 mainshaft. FINALLY !!!!!!!
Spoke with Dayrl there, he's got his sht togther. A really big help !!
They've got tons of new and used parts,rebuilt transmissions and transfer cases.
Upgrade conversion kits for jeep drivetrains, he's even got a LT-1 350 !!ManTrans[addsig]
heres a place i found to get my t-5 mainshaft. FINALLY !!!!!!!
Spoke with Dayrl there, he's got his sht togther. A really big help !!
They've got tons of new and used parts,rebuilt transmissions and transfer cases.
Upgrade conversion kits for jeep drivetrains, he's even got a LT-1 350 !!ManTrans[addsig]