
took them last week, i was super stressed out. glad i'm done for a little while. good luck and hang in there!! :)
I am. Luckily only high school final exams. And it's my senior year. So it doesn't really matter. But still, 6 big tests in one week. Just can't be good.
Yea Monday, Tuesday Done. They were pretty easy. Last one Tomarow. Should get all A's in the classes. They were pretty easy.
I hate school. Took my anatomy and physiology monday night All about hormones and endocrinology I cant learn that crap. I mutiple guessed the whole test I will be lucky to get a 40. It was the hardest test I have ever taken.
Yeah I just finished A&P 1 and A&P 2 last week... definitely the worse classes of my life!!!!

Where are you taking them at? And for what major?

Re: When Gadget is Bored...

Me too. Tomorrow is the last day thank god. Saved my hardest for last. And hell no I'm not prepared!!! I must have ADD or something cuz studying just ain't my thing.

I finished last week. Yeah, school sucks. Can't wait to finish.-al TEXAS A&M -Kingsville
Go Hogs!

Changing a lug bolt...

I am at Utah Valley State College in Oram Utah. Just finished last final. I had all drafting classes they are cake. The finals were so easy it was sick. One class we had to do a drawing and the written test took me 10 minutes. I will be glad to be done just 1 more semester.
i was done by late tuesday afternoon.... all mine were pretty easier... majoring in Conservation Law Enforcement at Vincennes University, Vincennes Indiana
