Evolution captured at the Nativity?!?

Seems like a regular Nativity scene, doesn't it?


Ah, but take a closer look, something is awry!


Every year, I manage to slip this little guy into my wife's hand-made Nativity scene. It usually takes her a couple of weeks to notice it. My dad came over one year and was looking at it, and I had even forgotten it was there until he busted out laughing. He was laughing so hard he had tears coming down his cheeks. Apparently, he used to do similar things to my mom when they were dating! Guess my dad and I are even more alike than I had thought!!!

Have a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
OT: Stereo problems (home stereo)

lol Sparky. Very Funny. I saw the monkey right away because he was a different color. I just couldn't make him out until the close up.

We just did my moms nativity scene last night. We let my neice set it up while I explained all the figures to her. Like many children, she has a pure love and joy at seeing or hearing about jesus. In a crazy world surrounded by hate and violence, that wonder will never ceases to amaze me.

RE: Engine won

Very funny Sparky. You have a good/strange sense of humor.

Monkeys aren't native to the holy land...except for maybe...homo erectus. :? But that was WAY before that all went down. :mrgreen:

Happy Holidays!

RE: Some custom work for ya...

It's a mawg. Half man, half dog. He's his own best friend.
(from spaceballs)