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i doubt there is a person here who has not heard of the disaster in South East Asia. It was an event that will effect the world for many generations to come. Not only in that particular are of the world, but in one way or another, it also effects the very soil you stand upon today. Hundreds of thousands of people are left dead or injured, millions in danger of sickness. Millions of people are suffering directly from this disaster. Every one of us here has had to have thought by now, many times, how unthinkably terrible it must be for those being directly affected by this. To not have compassion would to be to not have a beating heart.

Who is with me on the idea of putting together a donation, or contribution in some form, to do some part in relief of this disaster, in the name of Jeepz.com?
I believe that our government is doing what it can to show our support to the area and those affected by the disaster in Asia. If we are going to make a donation to something, I'd rather see it be to a Veterans group or something along that line. The veterans that are in need gave a better part of their lives fighting in wars, both popular and not, that have affected and will continue to affect our world for the remainder of days. One of the reasons we're able to have this board is because of the rights we earned (and kept) because of these me and women. Let's not forget that we have alot of boys still in Iraq that need our support too.
Thinking of Repainting? or just for fun... PHOTOSHOP TRICK!

I think there are many worthy charitable causes. It doesnt have to be an either/or situation. I give props to snitty for wanting to start one to help foreign victims and I am sure alot of people would give praise to firemanharry if he wanted to start a fund to assist people on domestic issues. Its tough to argue who is more needy.

And some pics of the devastation: www.digitalglobe.com/tsunami_gallery.html

Snitty, go for it, be easy to do with a PayPal account. Or people can even send you money directly. But be prepared for many who are skeptical of getting involved for fear of the donations are not reaching their intended charity. Many may opt to simply give to an established agency (like the Red Cross) to ensure the funds are used correctly, not to mention the tax deduction.

No stab at you, I trust you, just throwing this out there.
RE: Thinking of Repainting? or just for fun... PHOTOSHOP TRI

i agree with everyone so far...

FMH... i just felt a strong need to see if anyone was with me about helping people... and well, if you feel it is our veterans who need help (i agree also)... we can do that as well... we are good people here at Jeepz... it is possible we could raise some money and distribute it among a number of needy groups... i know everyone would feel good about it, and it would certainly help show our generosity

RE: Re: florida laws? where??

I can't help but to think that the amount of money going over there from our taxes is an incredibly large sum of money. I also heard today Japan is sending even more than we are. I think that financial needs are being met, but I would like to somehow do something more. Is there anything other than money we could do? Are there requests for any other help? I guess any help would require funds (cost of shipping clothes, non-perishables, etc) and would be difficult for us an internet forum to organize :?

I'm not real financially capable right now, but if that's the route we go I'll do what I can. Can anyone think of a viable alternative?

I saw a special on the news about a website setup by a kid from Sri Lanka that is for donations to an organization that would see to it the entire donation would reach it's cause. I would like to see any money we contribute go to somewhere that won't "take some off the top" like many of these non-profit org.s that have CEO's do so often. The United Way for example, is a non-profit org that I no longer call a "charity".
Snitty, we're in and I admire your leadership. I think we all could help a lot with our Jeeps over there, but let's get real!! I think it would be great to have the Jeepz name on some sort of contribution. Hey, it all helps. Keep us posted.
New Years at Greenridge

The last I saw on the news they were stressing 'money only' donations, guess anything else is too tough logistically.

RE: Re: RE: Test your subconscience!

I agree aid for disaster relief is a good cause, but I just heard we (the US) pledged $350 million. This is alot more than the $30 million orginially pledged. Correct me if I am wrong but didnt Bush call for a domestic spending freeze. So we cant spend any more money on the people of the US but somehow an extra $300+million was found for other people. The employees of the company I work for is adopting an elementary school in a local under-priveledged nieghborhood. I am sure that school and those kids could use some of that $300+million in "relief."
axle seals

yes.. i agree that we have a lot to deal with in the united states... we even have our own disaster relief we must take care of...

i'm lookin on a whole scale here though... i wake up in my bed, in my heated house... i reach to the electric light and turn it on... i walk among the carpet to the bathroom.. where i shower and brush my teeth with running water... then i go to the kitchen.. and cook myself some food with the gas that is plumbed to my house... when its all over, i get into my vehicle and i drive to work....

there are millions of people, not only in southest asia.. but all over the world who have NONE of the above listed luxuries that we take for granted every day

i just have a compassion for helping people... soft spot i guess... nobody's a bad person for doing otherwise though
Snitty said:
yes.. i agree that we have a lot to deal with in the united states... we even have our own disaster relief we must take care of...

i'm lookin on a whole scale here though... i wake up in my bed, in my heated house... i reach to the electric light and turn it on... i walk among the carpet to the bathroom.. where i shower and brush my teeth with running water... then i go to the kitchen.. and cook myself some food with the gas that is plumbed to my house... when its all over, i get into my vehicle and i drive to work....

there are millions of people, not only in southest asia.. but all over the world who have NONE of the above listed luxuries that we take for granted every day

i just have a compassion for helping people... soft spot i guess... nobody's a bad person for doing otherwise though

I was just saying look down the road from you. There are people in your own neighborhood who dont have that.

RE: OT- PS2 Poker Online

that is correct, we do have a lot of that, no matter where we live in america... though there ARE shelters and there is food availible here. And i have taken part in helping them out... plus a lot, but not all, of the homeless people in our country come from being lazy. not that i have no compassion for these people, but it is true. There are many jobs availible to most of those people here in america, much of it can be taken care of if they would take their time to do something about it.

again, i'm talking on the whole scale here. the situation overseas is not exactly the same thing. they were, with no or little warning, stripped of everything they had, and stripped of all means to repair what they had. and the numbers tolling up are unbelievable