drive line and rear leaf ??


New member
ok so I now have my cherokee up in the air and am ready to put on my 4.5" rough country lift.
On my drive line there is like a boot thingy on the end where the yoke goes into the transfer caes. how do i get that off without destroying it? there are like weird metal bands that look like they have been cripmed on somehow.

and on the rear leafs which bolts are best to take out first? the ones closer to the front of the vehicle or the ones in the rear? I dont want the damn leafs to come down and hit me or something else ya know.

I am used to working on mustangs and not jeeps!! LOL and they dont have leafs on them. so this is my first time messing around with them.
and yes the body is jacked up so all of the tension is off the leafs. i plan on putting a jack under the axel and pushing it up a hair so when everything is ready to come down it will do so without hitting the ground!!


boot thingy on the end where the yoke goes into the transfer caes. how do i get that off without destroying it? there are like weird metal bands that look like they have been cripmed on somehow.

I don't have one of tose covers on mine, but if it is not removed with a screw, maybe it is the compression type clamps where you squeeze two tabs together to release it?

I dont want the damn leafs to come down and hit me or something else ya know.

You should have ALL load off of those springs before removing the eye bolts (either end). By removing all load I mean let the axle drop enough so the springs are fully relaxed. Also remove the U-bolts prior to removing the eye bolts so that the axle is disconnected from the springs before you disconnect them from the frame

-Nick :!:
XJNick said:

I don't have one of tose covers on mine, but if it is not removed with a screw, maybe it is the compression type clamps where you squeeze two tabs together to release it?

You should have ALL load off of those springs before removing the eye bolts (either end). By removing all load I mean let the axle drop enough so the springs are fully relaxed. Also remove the U-bolts prior to removing the eye bolts so that the axle is disconnected from the springs before you disconnect them from the frame

-Nick :!:

ok thats is kinda what I thought about the rear leafs. having to totally disconnect them from the axle before attempting to pull the bolts out.
one more question about them, after everything is dissconnected are they going to POP when one of the two bolts are removed?

and about the boot thing, well it dosent have any kind of screw, and I know what kind of tabe you are thinking about but it isnt them!! LOL. the kind that are mostly found on radiator hoses I believe are what youa re thinking about. these are just fing weird!! LOL there is like a half tab (about 1" in length) that wraps back around the rest of the band but it dosent look like it could be folded back and slipped through. i know ill go and take a quick pic of it and show you what I am talking about!! ya!! LOL


If you have the axle disconnected from the leaf springs, they should not pop or do anything drastic once an eye bolt is removed (at least mine never did when I changed them out).

As for the boot, this just occured to me: maybe the boot isn't meant to come off before the driveshaft is removed? Instead could it slide down the driveshaft... then you could remove form the driveshaft once the driveshaft is out of the Jeep.

Then again, you have a slip yoke, so why can't you just pull the driveshaft out as you normally would? Is the boot clamped on too tightly?

-Nick :!:
After seeing your photo, the boot does look tight.

One moment as I inspect my Wrangler (which has a boot)...

-Nick :!:
yeah its pretty tight! !LOL I gave it a tug and it jsut extended the boot all the way out, but wouldn't let me have the yoke! !LOL damn thing!! LOL

maybe I have to cut the bands? I am kind courious why the kit came with 4 zip ties, no wait those are probably for the shocks!! he he


So I looked at my Wrangler (which has the boot), and it looks as though it is the same type of clamps which you have.

I took a picture of it (which sadly isn't any clearer than yours), and drew on it. The red arrow is a separate piece which looks like it is squeezed to tighten the clamp. The green arrow and dots indicate places on mine where there are little hooks/bumps which hold the clamp together. It looks to me like you need to compress the main part of the clamp so the hooks will push in and disengauge from the piece with the red-arrow-pointing thing on it.

Hope that made any sense. LOL it's so funny how the little things can drive you crazy. :mrgreen:

EDIT I forgot the pic :P

-Nick :!:
thx man!1 yeah it does makes sense and I will go out in a bit and give it a shot!! hoping for the best.
thx a million for you fast and helpfull responses!!

Head Swap??

worked like a charm!! LOL
now I just have two little springs on the brakes to take off and down comes that axle!! my stepfather jsut gave me the 21mm impact socket that i need and will get those old leafs off tommorrow!!

Neat! Good luck with it all.

Oh and remember that PB Blaster is your friend while trying to remove those leaf spring eye bolts. :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
there is a tool used for those band clamps... go to autozone and ask for a cv boot tool and you should get what you need to do it properly... make sure you talk to the store manager... most redshirts there don't know what they are talking about

XJNick said:

Neat! Good luck with it all.

Oh and remember that PB Blaster is your friend while trying to remove those leaf spring eye bolts. :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

pb blaster has already screwed me this go round. i have hit those bolts probably three times now and when i went to crank on the ratchet well instead of the bolt breaking loose, lol, the bolt and nut started to spin on the rubber that is drenched with blaster. but tommorrow I will have the impact out and see how it likes them apples!! he he.

I live in a small town and we dont have a autozone round here!! have to go to checker. but I got it out and didnt damage anything so i guess that is a plus. but on the topic of renting items, I am probably going to have to get a spring comprosser to get the mamouth coils to go in there homes!! I couldnt believe how big they are till i got them. 24" tall unsprung. that is a long ways to even attempt trying to drop the front axle to get them to fit. not tomention that it might be a little dangerous doing things without the comprosser!!