Don't let the door hit ya where the lord split ya!!!

Well there ya go... I don't like, whine whine whine, bytch and moan... If you don't like it in this country, LEAVE! This is not Soviet Russia, you don't need an exit visa, so if you hate it all that much, pack up and GO! Or stay, and quit yer whining...

(back's hurting something fierce right now, more cynical than normal)

"As Canadians, you'll have to learn to embrace and use all the products and culture of Americans, while bad-mouthing their way of life,"

I wonder how those numbers compare to the Viet Nam era? Too cold for me up there - I'm emigrating to Tahiti! :lol:
Afraid it will take more than a lost election to run me out. Survived Regan Big Bush little Bush once I can do it again! hehehe. All seriousness here Bush won he is my President and if he does what he says he will do and I will support my president till it is all done. Matter of a fact I would be willing to Bet Bush will leave the country before I do! hehehe tug

My biggest fear is to see a race between Jeb and Hilliary. I think that would be completely bad in every sense and from every angle. That said, I wouldn't even leave if Hilliary won.

Tug-n-pull said:
Afraid it will take more than a lost election to run me out. Survived Regan Big Bush little Bush once I can do it again! hehehe...... tug

Tug, you forgot Nixon!!! If we're still here after that debacle, we ain't goin' nowhere!!!

Same goes for them (the door thing), but the door doesn't shut, does it? Too bad!

I think alot of that is over hyped BS, but even if it is true I would imagine that we are better off without those fair-weathered so-called countrymen.

What I said about the Jeb/Hilliary thing - the reason I don't want that race is because it would only be another mud slinger election. Another line drawn in our soil and dividing our hearts and minds.

UNRELATED POLITICAL PARTING SHOT - I heard on the radio yesterday that W scored higher on an IQ test than Kerry did. Sure I wish I knew that 2 months ago during an earlier thread.

Question is does that make Bush intelligent or Kerry an idiot? Hmmmm
:lol: :lol:
I ain't leaving, but I sure do think Canada is nice. I've been there several's beautiful.

I did consider moving to Vancouver in my Film and TV days. That was where all of the work was at. I loved it, very pretty and clean. And people are so damned polite. Mullets run rampant though.

HAHA enjoy yer 54% tax!
HAHA Oh ya, I think a polar bear is eating your baby!

This post was in no way ment or intended to piss off our fine friends to the north but rather ridicule the ignorant americans that are a bunch of cry baby's when they don't get there way and find that the easiest way out of a problem is to abandon it rather than stick it out and try to work together and solve it! So.. please my Canadian friends, do not take any offense to this thread. I like Canada! and all the hard booze and strip clubs it has to offer!
Canada was great from when I was 18-21 years old. (you all know why) After that the good ole USA has everything I need. Plus if I were to leave the US for anywhere it wouldnt be north. I am thinking tropical.
My daughter's a post grad student in Vancouver and the big thing to remember is you will not find a job. The tough thing for Americans to understand is Canadians CAN discriminate and they do. If you aren't Canadian you aren't taking a Canadian's job. My daughter teaches while she works on her degree but it doesn't pay much.

Ritt said:
The tough thing for Americans to understand is Canadians CAN discriminate and they do. If you aren't Canadian you aren't taking a Canadian's job.

Hey! Maybe the liberals are right :shock:

We can learn something from the Canadians :lol: