Dog names?/Dogs in Jeeps


New member

Today im bringing home a 9week old female choclate lab. Any creative name ideas would be appreciated.
Also, does anyone know any good products for dogs that go with jeeps? For instance I saw something like a netted cage that went around the back. I would just like to be able to keep my pup (insert name here) safe while having the top down, and would rather trust experienced products rather than just buying from a catalog and finding out the hard way something doesnt work.[addsig]


a cage is a good way to go, you don't want to hit a bump and lose your dog, worse drag her by the leash...a good pet store or outdoor shop should be able to lead you in the right direction[addsig]

you know what may work well is those nets that they put in place of a tailgate on trucks... Just by a bunch of those and wrap it around the back of the roll cage on your Wrangler. 1991 or older you could get away with less netting cause of the roll cage design change. Just an idea.

Oh and the last dog I had was named "Skilo" - which means DOG in greek. :lol: [addsig]


I like the name "Ruby" And it's a jeep thing too. As far as jeeping with the puppy, I would get a harness and put a least mounted to the rear seat belt bracket. That way you can adjust it to the lenght you need. and as time goes let the dog ride in the front and keep the leash short enough as to not allow the dog to get out the door. Good luck and congrads on the new puppy, labs are the best...

Happy Trails... OlllllO :cool: [addsig]

I have a big black lab, I put her in the front passenger seat throw my fishing poles in the back and head to the lake. What about "eugene" as in eugene popeyes pet. :cool: :cool: :cool: [addsig]

My dogs name is TJ.He is 150 pound wolf,we like to call him the "gentle giant".hehehe Sully[addsig]


My dog's name is CJ, and here he is with my 2 kids, Corey, and Kari.

Ok we've got dogs named CJ and TJ... somebodys gotta have a dog named YJ... :-D [addsig]

Be careful. Free advice can occasionally be worth its price.

Scott Moseman

This applies above.

1. Congrats on adding a member to you family.
You have my professional advice by PM as you
may need it. Behavior, Training, Socialization,
just ask... Free / with proven success.

every heard of "G" forces.?
Won't keep a 'coke can' secure,
no less a 70 - 90 lb adult lab.

3. Petsmart, Petco, every major
pet retailer sells a Very SPECIFIC
Harness that attaches to the seat belt
system. $15?

4. The safest method of transport.
An 'airline' approved kennel.
"Vari Kennel" best brand.
That's transport,,

My K9 wheels, with the

Name: if you don't find one,
'she'll ' give one to ya.:-D
what comes to mind when you
think of her?



Hello everybody,

First posting and moved to write because of a topic close especially to my heart.

I showed this thread to my police K-9 officer son. He totally endorsed USMPK9's advice and offered the additional suggestion that a dog should never be allowed to ride with its head outside of the Jeep (any vehicle) at road speed.

A bee or other large insect strike in a dog's eye at highway speed could be disastrous. Seemingly obvious advice, perhaps, but one nevertheless frequently sees dogs being allowed to "head surf" in the slip-stream.

Inspector Gadget

Welcome gadget! I recently lost my tag a long pal to old age and blindnesws and other disorders that made life hard to live for her hardest days of my life was ol Sis's last rides with me!

She was a great friend and as loyal as anyone could ever be to a grumpy ol broken down fool. but she never seen me as anything other than Superman. She was always ready to ride even after she hit a point that I had to lift here 70 lb Blue Healer Butt into the seat.

She never knew she was anything but just Sis a dog never entered the mind of that ol gal. She is missed :-( tug[addsig]

Welcome to the 'club' Gadget.
I don't know how long you've
been 'visiting', but you sure
picked one close to my heart
to jump in. Tell your son,
my 'brother', thanks for
an important point. Tree
limbs, bugs, rocks. Trail
or street.

FACE on a motorcycle?
Be a shame to loose your
'partner'/child before her time.

Tug, one of Kena's 'call names'
is 'sissy', I shed a tear, several
for your loss. It is always so
hard to say goodbye to such
a true example of love and friendship.
Fortunately, your "Sis", was able to
find a great "2-legger" to spend her
days with, and that speaks so highly
of the home you and momma tug

Lord Byron really understood,
almost 200 years ago.

Read it twice and think.


edited by: USMPK9, Jun 28, 2003 - 09:14 AM[addsig]


For Tug-N-Pull: Thank you for the welcome, and I offer my sympathies on the loss of your dog. Amazing how attached we become to our pets. Been there, done that...and grieved. Time will heal the ache.

For USMPK9: Thank you for the welcome. I have only recently registered on this forum. I did, however, spend some pre-registration time reading though the 200+ pages of threads looking for items of interest and pointers related to the care, feeding and restoration of my 85, CJ-7. I have to say that I was at times astonished during those readings by the in-depth knowledge possessed by some of our fellow Jeepers.

For KBTstang: A thought as regards a name for your new female chocolate lab pup... "Hershey" -- after the candy bar.

I once had a dog named "Carpenter," because he did odd jobs around the house.

Sorry -- Old joke, but I get a lot of mileage out of them. :-D [addsig]


Well Brother, How's it going.?

hope you and your new
"little wonder" are having a blast!

don't mind the puddles, but don't
step in the p_ _ p..:-D

She, got a name yet.?

Need help finding a harness,
You gotta start small,,,,

Let her wear it during playtime
around the house.

We can't expect to put it on.
Toss her in the Rig.
Strap her in.
and hit the trail.

Get her used to it.

Start with SHORT STREET rides,

She has to develop her "Rig Legs"
learning to balance turns.

The harness promotes sitting, but
allows her to stand and turn around
in place.

make it FUN for her.
AND she will make it fun for you.

edited by: USMPK9, Jun 28, 2003 - 09:36 PM[addsig]

Thanks for all the help guys. Really appreciate it. Realize now ive gotta think safety first with all the steps of this. She doesnt have a name yet, but getting there soon. Havent even picked her up yet, the breeder is getting her all the shots etc that she needs, for free, so shes gonna wait another day or 2 to come home. [addsig]


Well congrats on being a owner of a new Dog... :-D [addsig]

this is kinda ironic but my dog is names CJ also, but she is 9.5 years old and i didnt even really know about jeep when i got her.... but its funny when i think about it now[addsig]

We have a Cat named CJ5 and have had her about that long. CJ kitty is her name most of the time and she was so named cause she climbed everything around here. Tug[addsig]


Funny thing about naming our dog CJ is that I didn't think of it. We were at a friend's house the day we got him, and we were trying to think of a name, when our friend thought of CJ, and not even thinking about the fact that I own a CJ either. So it was ironic that he got that name.[addsig]