Does Edwards have Kerry confused with the second coming?!?!?


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Edwards Stem Cell Vision: 'We will stop juvenile diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other debilitating diseases... When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.' Edwards made the unprecedented campaign promises during 30-minute speech at Newton High School gym in Newton, Iowa...
Just proves that Kerry and Edwards are just saying what the people want to hear with no way to come through on those promises. I think that if they get elected at the end of their term, everyone who is still paralized should sue them.
When did haveing a vision translate into a promise. Please you guys spin as bad as your party leaders! Get a grip! tug

I would rather someone tell me their hopes and plans than blow smoke about the reasons for their actions.

I think that if they get elected at the end of their term, everyone who is still paralized should sue them
So, should all of the families (of all nations) that lost a loved one during the war in Iraq sue the current administration since there were no WMD found, and no plans of Iraq making WMD? After all, that is the reason the current administration went to war.... or so the American people were told.
This is not a "vision" but a promise.....Edwards did not way "we hope to stop...." he said "we will stop". It's all about knowing the english language. Saying that you "will" do something means that you have a plan that without unforseen intervention shall be accomplished.

As far as families suing Bush for their loved ones' deaths in Iraq, for starters my statement was sarcastic. We all know that you cannot sue a president for failing to fulfill his promises.

Secondly, Bush never promised that there would be no casualties in this war. I get so tired of people enlisting in the armed forces and then complaining about having to go to war. If you enlist in the armed forces and go to basic training you are training for war, and in war people die. Don't misunderstand me, I feel for those that have lost loved ones. I pray every day that they can finish the job there and come home and the death of American soldiers will stop.

Thirdly, even if they do not find WMDs the UN was never allowed to properly search due to Husein. I do agree that it's not good that there have not been the WMDs that were thought to be there, but it's just like when someone will not let a police officer search his causes everyone to think that there must be something illegal in there. There is also the idea that this man needed to be stopped because of what he has done and will continue to do, but I also understand the other side which is we cannot be the world's police. In this situation the decison to go to war or not go to war was a very difficult one. There is not enough evidence or support for either side of the argument to make a desion that all would agree with.

Once again, I feel for those who have lost love ones in this war but Bush NEVER told people that soldiers would not die.....Edwards did say that they "will stop" many diseases. It's the difference between being honest about what you can do and making promises that you cannot keep.

It's funny.....I laugh at myself. I get on here and rant about something that will probably not change anyone's mind. Most people here have already decided one way or the other. I'm not sure why I even spend the time typing. Well I guess that we know who will vote for who on this thread.

All I can say is is better to be an American under any president than to be from any other country. I can say what I want, Tug can say what he wants, and anyone else can get on here and say what they want and we do not have to worry about someone coming to our homes and killing us and our familys tonight.
Tug-n-pull said:
When did haveing a vision translate into a promise.
If it walks like a duck.....
John Edwards said:
When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.
No lack of BS in those speeches.
So, should all of the families (of all nations) that lost a loved one during the war in Iraq sue the current administration since there were no WMD found, and no plans of Iraq making WMD? After all, that is the reason the current administration went to war.... or so the American people were told.

I can't answer for other countries but the last time I checked we had an all Volunteer Military. When I joined, I did it for the pay and education opportunities and to continue a family tradition of military service. I got out just as the first Gulf War was ending. When you joined of your own free will, like EVERYONE in the military today, and you know the risk of going war, what gives someone a right to sue?

Lets take your reasoning a step further... Why shouldn't all WWII vets who were drafted and got sent to Europe be able to sue Uncle Sam for sending them to fight Hitler?? After all, Hitler did NOT attack us at Pearl Harbor,it was the JAPS.

When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.

And they say Bush is closer to Jesus...
Okay, don't get me started again. :) This is like waving a bottle of Jack Daniels in front of an ex-alcoholic.

I will take one little sip by saying: Kerry will be the second coming...the second president coming after Clinton (following Bush's one term). HEHEHEHEHEHE :lol:






Ahhhh. I crack myself up. :D
It just goes to show that the Dems this year will go to any lengths, cross any line to try to win everyone's vote. Just like during the debate last night when Kerry talked about D i c k Cheney's daughter. That was just plain dirty politics.

Tug - Candidates for the office of the President of the US do not make campaign visions. They make campaign promises.
People often get the nuts and bolts confussed with the function of the machine in general.
Conservatives, generaly, old money, moving in the same old ways, mostly for the benefit of the people who have the money. Not necessarily bad for the normal guy, when the high rollers are doing well, they spread it around.
Liberals (seriously) are mostly full of it, they want the money to move in new ways, so they have a chance to grab some on the way by. Make noises, that they are for the common man, most is just an attempt to set up alternative control mechanisms, such as bureacracies, legislation (tax) and intiatives. Boils down to stirring the pot and hoping to get the good stuff, before someone else does.
Conservative inertia, roughly means, what we have, while not perfect, is a known and somewhat functional system.
Liberals, actually have basically one chance in three of improving anything, things tend to stay pretty much the same, get better or get worse. May make some gains in social programs, where 90% of every dollar spent, goes to bureacracies, that traditionally vote the liberal ticket. If there is actually any social improvement, it´s actually pretty much an accident.
Daschel kind of summed up the attitude when he told the guys doing decontamination after the Anthrax attacks, forget the damned Post Office and the low lifes that work there, my office and government is much more important. Daschel (and Kennedy) are the shakers and movers of the party, always making noises about helping the working man. Do you really believe they actually give a darn, I don´t.
Last rant, do you really beleive Sadam was stupid enough NOT to have some nasty surprises stashed around the country. They make a declaration there are WMD, then a declaration there are no WMD. Nuts and bolts, three containers, burried someplace in a country, about the size of Oregon and Washington state together, could take a hundred years to find (they are still finding weapons stashes and unexploded bombs in Germany 50 some years after the war). Three containers, burried in one night by less than thirty people, could contain 120,000 lbs. of some really nasty stuff. Does anybody really believe Sadam doesn´t have enough WMD. burried someplace, to kill every man woman and child in NY city. I´d find it a stretch, to beleive he was stupid enough, not to have some weapons of mass destruction. The only difference between insecticide and nerve gas, is the concentration, the formulas are similiar.
There is a plutonium reprocessing plant not far from where I live, with enough Plutonium (maybe ten pounds) to kill everybody in Germany. Guy was just busted for trying to ship some to Syria.
Try to use your minds a little, instead of regurgitating, what the news media and the political parties feed you.
MudderChuck said:
People often get the nuts and bolts confussed with the function of the machine in general.
Conservatives, generaly, old money, moving in the same old ways, mostly for the benefit of the people who have the money. Not necessarily bad for the normal guy, when the high rollers are doing well, they spread it around.
Liberals (seriously) are mostly full of it, they want the money to move in new ways, so they have a chance to grab some on the way by. Make noises, that they are for the common man, most is just an attempt to set up alternative control mechanisms, such as bureacracies, legislation (tax) and intiatives. Boils down to stirring the pot and hoping to get the good stuff, before someone else does.
Conservative inertia, roughly means, what we have, while not perfect, is a known and somewhat functional system.
Liberals, actually have basically one chance in three of improving anything, things tend to stay pretty much the same, get better or get worse. May make some gains in social programs, where 90% of every dollar spent, goes to bureacracies, that traditionally vote the liberal ticket. If there is actually any social improvement, it´s actually pretty much an accident.
Daschel kind of summed up the attitude when he told the guys doing decontamination after the Anthrax attacks, forget the damned Post Office and the low lifes that work there, my office and government is much more important. Daschel (and Kennedy) are the shakers and movers of the party, always making noises about helping the working man. Do you really believe they actually give a darn, I don´t.
Last rant, do you really beleive Sadam was stupid enough NOT to have some nasty surprises stashed around the country. They make a declaration there are WMD, then a declaration there are no WMD. Nuts and bolts, three containers, burried someplace in a country, about the size of Oregon and Washington state together, could take a hundred years to find (they are still finding weapons stashes and unexploded bombs in Germany 50 some years after the war). Three containers, burried in one night by less than thirty people, could contain 120,000 lbs. of some really nasty stuff. Does anybody really believe Sadam doesn´t have enough WMD. burried someplace, to kill every man woman and child in NY city. I´d find it a stretch, to beleive he was stupid enough, not to have some weapons of mass destruction. The only difference between insecticide and nerve gas, is the concentration, the formulas are similiar.
There is a plutonium reprocessing plant not far from where I live, with enough Plutonium (maybe ten pounds) to kill everybody in Germany. Guy was just busted for trying to ship some to Syria.
Try to use your minds a little, instead of regurgitating, what the news media and the political parties feed you.

wow, THAT was a pretty darn good post........

theres just something about kerry that seems dishonest and true. since when was it ok to use someones daughters sex life (cheneys daughter who is a lesbian) in a political debate? i think that just shows how low and vile kerry is. and the WMD thing was not a waste of time. we knew before going in that he had the capabilities of buildign them and that he was corrupt enough to do so it was not waste. kerry is so hypocritical i find myself laughing. he contradicts himself so much that its sad. what about when he was throwing medals over the white house fence. geuss what, he left his at home and claimed he didnt have time to go get them before the rally and then kept them afterwards, i mean if your going to make a statement about not being able to get them and throw other peoples, do something with yours if thats the way you feel. kerry is a pathetic individual who bases his decisions on what the people want to hear not what he thinks. i dated a girl like that once and she was really terrible at making decisions cuz she couldnt decide what i wanted to do. think about it, kerry is pathetic and right now is not the time for a change in power. o and one more thing just hit me. i love how everyone blames bush for being in iraq for oil. i know how hes related to all the oil companies and all but think about it. if we were there for oil, why is it still going up? if we were there to gain acess to middel eastern oil and force them to sell it to us cheaper, (or whatever scam you waht to come up with), why is it still high and getting higher. kerry is sad, so is edwards.