Dealers Suck!!!


New member
Take my jeep to dealership for the first time in YEARS to have parking brake fixed as a recall. I also ask them if they can fix the soft top runner that's been coming alose for the past few years. After calling me and quoting $95 on fixing the runner, I say okay. The service rep made it sound as they were going to do some substantial stuff without having to use even bigger screws.

I go to pick up my Jeep and notice a brand new 2-3 foot long crack in the windshield :x and the repair consisted simply two WAY OVERSIZED screws half-screwed into the runner to accompany to the screws on either end that were already there...the rest of the holes were empty and there was a gap measuring at least 1/4 inch between the runner and the frame. :evil:

The service rep & ultimately service manager tried to tell me first that the crack was already there. yeah right! :evil: :evil: After they saw I wasn't falling for that, they blamed it on a pre-existing (i.e. not their fault) teeney tiny surface chip that magically morphed into a 3-foot long running crack. When I started on the repair, the SERVICE MANAGER acted as though I was being ridiculous by complaining about it. After much argument, he takes my jeep back and puts silicone in a 1-foot stretch of the gap which actually spanned the length of the frame (he apparently chose that stretch only because I pointed to that area to show him the gap).

After realizing talking with guy was useless, I took my Jeep home, took off runner to wipe the silicone off before it dried and I notice tale-tale marks where they had apparently hammered on the windshield frame around one of the screw holes since it had been puckered outward from where the top pulled the screw out of the metal. These hammer marks were in the exact spot that the running crack began...what a coincidence!!! I microscopic surface chip miraculously starts a crack that ends right where they hammered! Wow. Anyway, the next morning, I talk to the general manager and owner...they quickly agreed to replace my windshield and redo the repair.

Now I'm not altogether dissatisfied with the repair (they riveted the runner down with rivets about every 6-8 inches or so) since riveting was to be my course of last resort. However, given it's permanence and the fact that you're actually punching many new holes in the sheet metal, it seems that any GOOD service department would confer with the owner beforehand. For all they knew, I might also use a hardtop. I don't, but if I did, they just might be buying me a new windshield frame.

This experience reaffirmed my intention to stay away from dealers...they overprice for suckey service.

Wow that is an experience. Glad you didnt back down.
Yeah that is a really bad dealer experience. I thought it was bad when my dealer put new windsheild wipers on the miss's KJ and they flew off on her in a thunder storm because the guy had put them on backwards. Scratched up the windsheild and everything. Man you should have heard her yell at those was so funny. They had to replace the windshield at no cost to us.
my headlight knob in my XJ stopped turning on my headlights, but it still turned on the dome light. i took it into the dealership and now it turns on the headlights but they informed me "it doesnt turn the dome on and off" i think im goign to go back and get rough w. them

I work at a local Jeep dealership and the mechanics there really know what they are doing they do it right the first time ........... very good mechanics
I always go to a mom and pop shop for them repairs unless I can do them myself cause there are no very good mechanics in any dealership I have ever been to. FiCJeep that will exclude your shop for I have not been there and have no reason to dought your word. For the most part the care of your auto ends when you get the keys and them silly little paper floor mats with the dealers name printed on them. Unless you count your being interuped by their constant bombardment of bad loud empty promise ad's ran over every local radio station in North America. Sorry lost it there. I hate car dealerships. All but one anyway. See above...... hehehehe tug
Well said, Tug, and I agree completely. My Jeep's MINE and once the warranty runs out, SEE YA, STEALERSHIP!!!

Makes you wonder what level of training these people have. I've had bad service from the shops at dealerships (as I'm sure anyone who has ever used them have).... not just Jeep dealerships, but others as well. Definitely makes you question carrying your vehicle in for work.

Glad to hear that you are getting it taken care of, but it does seem like they would have talked to you before using rivets. Go figure....
yeah, dealership is a last resort for anything...i got a problem with my throw out bearing i'm still bothering them about.