Cruise control quit working.


New member
I have a 91 Cherokee Briarwood with a straight six and 142,000 miles with an auto. trans. My cruise control quit working. I checked the vacuum system under the hood and fuses but found nothing. Any ideas what this could be?


Could be any one of the main cruise control system components:

- Servo Motor
- Computer module
- Cruise control switch assembly

-Nick :!:
i don't know if the electrical systems are similar on your 91... but i had the same problem with my 97. a wire had come loose under the dash on the driver's side that went to the brake lights. a friend pointed this out to me and i was able to fix the problem. my cruise control had also quit working, but plugging the wire back in fixed it.
Frame rust

There is a fairly large vacume line that goes forward over the left fender well, under the battery, to the vacume resivoir, behind the bumper. The line rots at about the mileage you´ve mentioned (usually under the battery). Have heard tell, it causes cruise control problems, heater control problems and poor idle.