critical analysis requested on my new website/company!


Active member
well folks, nice to stop by and say hi again... just to give you a little update... my little e-bay venture fell through (read: copyright infringement reportings, etc...) anyways, to avoid the stress of ebay and countless trips to the post office, i have decided to take on a new operation...

enter, the new site,

anyways, i'd totally love it if some people could pour over the site and give some decent feedback, i haven't really had a good opportunity for anyone to analyze it too in-depth. anywas... with only one major customer under my belt right now, i am opening up my services to everyone here (and whoever you'd refer) at a super-discounted rate. (read: reasonable, not free! :lol: )

thanks a million,

Wow nate, I didn't realize you were even into this. I'll see if I can drum up some biz-ness for you. I dabble in the website design and multimedia area myself.

Mostly love macromedia stuff-Dreamweaver and my favorite: Director.
I don't want to be overly critical but you may want to double check the spelling and capitalization. It's not that big a deal on a BB like here but for a business, you want a clean professional look.

This is not do to the computer "coming out of adjustment", it is normally a virus or spyware. my expertise comes in handy when you want to back up all of your documents, emails, favories, etc... and rebuild the computer starting with a fresh format and a clean OS install. on the rare occasion, using antivirus software and spyware removal tools, it is possible to recover a system without rebuilding it.

In the first sentence, "do" should be "due", "favories" should be...well you know. There are also many instances where the first word of a sentence is not capitalized. I understand that the lowercase writing thing is kind of a style with some people online but you'll want to appeal to a wide base of people and stick to standard practices.

You said you wanted critical analysis... :roll:

Otherwise, looks great! :D I'll pass the word around.
very nice
couple tips:
your contact info has your AIM name as dingus somethin or other....not too professional. get another name or just take it off.

Also... with your nice hardware store site. Your description says "the one site i actually took pride in" or somethin like that, this kind of hints at that taking pride in your work isnt a natural occurence. The site is good, just word the description better.

keep up the good work nate and good luck with your business!

ok thanks guys... all of your suggestions have been updated...

keep 'em coming?

I cruised all your site and it is very nice. Good critiques so far. I am bone dead tired and nothing is jumping out at me saying "improve me, improve me" but if I look at it later and think of something then I'll let you know!

Good luck with your business!


Some comments I have from visiting your site:

1) I'd remove the "best viewed in 800x600 or larger" statement form your website. If you do web design, don't hint about compatibility issues, since you should be able to prevent them. If you are concerned about users with 640x480 res. screens, you should make a separate page layout for them and use javascript to detect their resolution then call the appropriate page.

2) You might consider putting the "last updated..." statement on some other page besides the home page.

3) The text testimonial on the bottom of "portfolio" page extends outside of it's boundaries and looks wierd. Maybe using a DIV layer would solve this.

4) Is the Downloads page supposed to have anything to do with web design? Also, you've got links to complete manuals and a keygen... with a "donate link" on the page.... ??? :?

5) Just as a general suggestion, you should use a javascript to ensure your pages aren't loaded outside of their frameset page. Currently they can be. This can be bad as search engines will index the pages and people will enter the site without a menu or title showing up.

Other than mentioned above, it's a nice, clean site! :mrgreen:

This was viewed with Mozilla Firebird 0.7

P.S. I too work on computers, and web design as a hobby, fun isn't it :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

XJNick said:
P.S. I too work on computers, and web design as a hobby, fun isn't it :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
I couldn't tell :wink: Sounds like good critiques, you jeepers sure can give what was asked :D