Crappie Fisherman?


New member
Well, we've discussed politics, abortion, guns, war and just about everything else on here, but how about fishing? Anyone out there avid fishermen? I am, used to strictly hunt the elusive largemouth, but nowadays pretty much stick with crappie. This way, I have something to bring home and eat since I release largemouth. Anyone know what nightstalking is? No, not following women around at night. LOL
I love to fish. Was getting pretty heavy into it before I got married, but 5 kids and one on the way there's no time right now.

I also used to be a heavy fishermen but when bought my shotgun and began hunting I really don't fish any more I hunted squirrel, dove, rabbits when I bought my Remington 308 I killed two deer last year and the year before I had a muzzleloader and killed a 6 point now that I have done every thing I wanted to I have gotten bored with all my hobbies four wheeling is even getting old when I got my truck running again I got stuck once and nothing any more is a challenge anyway bass love crappie jigs you can buy like 6 in a little bag for like 50 cents at wallmart and the bass just love them
I actually used to be quite the avid fisherman. When I was a kid, my nickname was "catfish", because I'd sit and fish an old pond next to where my parents worked all day, and come home with a dozen or so good-sized catfish everyday. I think fishing channel cat is my favorite, though. Had a spot at Cheney lake that was magic between 11 pm and 2 am only. 2-7 lb channel for the whole 3 hours, at 15 minute intervals. It was sweet!
I love fishing, it's the best sport in the world. What other sport lets you sit back and drink beer all day?...if you catch something it's a bonus! We have some of the best salmon fishing in the world around here. Just a couple of hours away over to Vancouver Island and you can be reeling in 80 pounders. Best part about fishing the ocean is that if you get bored of salmon fishing, you can just stop and catch bottom fish. You never know what you're gonna get, could be a couple hundred pound halibut.

I have a pond right out my back door at my apartment. Go out every night and usually catch 1 or 2 bass every night. Have to love a private stocked ponds. I also Bowfish for carp a good bit with a buddy of mine. Is there anybuddy here that bowfishs
I do alot of trout and crappie fishing around here. I've never been that great at fishing, but I think it's mostly because I'm near the city and the few lakes around here get alot fishermen and are fished out pretty quickly. Don't you hate it when you allways seem to catch fish by yourself, but when friends come along to see how good of a fisherman you are, the fish just aren't biting? I always seem to catch fish when there is no one else around...
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I have always wanted to go fishing, but despite my frequent asking, I have yet to find someone to take me. I would go myself, but I havn't a clue where to start. I may be the only 27 year old American male that has never been fishing.

Magua308 said:
I have always wanted to go fishing, but despite my frequent asking, I have yet to find someone to take me. I would go myself, but I havn't a clue where to start. I may be the only 27 year old American male that has never been fishing.

I would go to a knowledgeable fishing store and ask; I bet even a big 5 or sports authority/mart would be helpful. They should be able to set you up with a good rod/reel and give you tips on how to start off. From there, just ask the fishermen at your local fishing spot what strategies and baits work best. Most fishermen are friendly and will gladly help you out (plus you learn the secret tricks of each lake that way); that's how I started fishing.
Depending on what you're fishing for, there are a couple of forums out there. I frequent alot, many old experienced fisherman on there that will help you out. They even gave this one dude a boat that couldn't offord to buy one. Another site I use is Texas fishing forum. On the site there is a link to washington fisherman, maybe you can meet someone that lives close.