coolant question


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anybody looking for a cheap second car?

Could someone please clear up what kind of coolant a 97 TJ uses. I was convinced that it was just the plain, green, ethylene glycol, but the guy at the auto parts store was trying to convince me to use the pink Dexcool, so now I'm all paranoid I'm using the wrong stuff.

wanted 93-95 wrangler

I can't tell you what it came with because I'm not well versed with the TJ's. If it's pinkish orange then it is Dexcool. If it's green then it is the standard coolant.
I had the Dexcool in my suburban a while back. It came from the factory like that. I changed it because I have heard that somehow or another Dexcool can seap through your gaskets and leak small amounts. I was experiencing this around the water pump, so I changed all the coolant over to the green stuff and it quit.
I don't think it would hurt to mix them but I wouldn't try it if you have the choice of using either. Put the green stuff in there if that's what you are running now.
Don't change out the Dexcool if your vehicle is still under warranty because it voids the warranty.
Well I can tell you, not to change the fluid. You need to leave in it what it came with. Like redrooster said if it is pink or Red it isn't regular however Jeeps should be using the chysler kind. I believe it called G-05 and the autoparts store should carry it. You could always call a dealer just to make sure. As for switching I have heard to many people have problems mainly bad water pump after putting regular in after something that had Dexecol in it. Redrooster you might be lucky or the G-05 might not be much different than regular but I know Dexecool it totally different that regular coolant and the gasket materal it not compatable with both. You change it and you are taking a gamble.