There is a caveat with "Jeep Computers"... they are not all plug and play. Depending on the year you may have to take the vehicle to the DEALER (not any old mechanic) and pay to have the PCM (computer) Flashed for your particular vehicle. Make sure you get a compatable PCM (Power train Control Module) for your model and year vehicle or it may not take the correct programming necessary for your Jeep. Depending on year and model the PCM controls ignition timing, fuel pressure, emissions, dashboard display, speedometer calibration, tachometer, and even the voltage regulator (which is really stupid in my book!)... Even if they are the same year and model they need to be flashed as vehicle options affect the programming, such as remote entry and factory security system setup, which would prevent you from starting the vehicle...
BTW Rock Auto ( seems to have the least expensive rebuilts I have found but you still need to have the dealer flash them...