Clutch is leaking????


New member

Ok after I drive for about 30 min or so
and park my 88 yj 4.2 the clutch fluid starts
leaking out in the area around the bell housing
it is only the amount of a 50 cent peice but why is it
leaking anyone had similar problems ??? And about every
500 miles or so I have to bleed the clutch to get a
firm pedal back........ :-( :-? :-( [addsig]


Get ready to buy a Slave Cylinder! and may as well do the clutch at the same time if it is an internal slave. Been there and did that. tug[addsig]

Tug you are breaking my heart I don't wanna spend money
where is the internal slave is it inside the bell housing ????
And how much $$$ for one it is a new clutch...and will I need
any special tools......... :-( :-( :-( [addsig]

My 2.5L was internal and it ran me 135.00 at NAPA. Saved 50.00 over the dealers cost. I cheated and had mine put in by Jerrys auto here in town. Seems to be a pretty straight forward job though. You may have an externail slave on yours I will keep my fingers crossed for you on that one! tug[addsig]


Well I do appreciate it and I will cross my fingers ..Too..... 8-) [addsig]

if its leaking from the bellhousing, its internal... its integrated with the throwout and slides over the input shaft... its not going to be fun to change... either your schedule suffers a lot, or your wallet suffers and saves some of your schedule[addsig]

Well I guess my social life is going to pay the
price and spend a few days in the shop, wait
I already do that I have no social life....Ha ha ha
Eat, Sleep, Jeep.... :-D [addsig]


i have the same problem, i am hoping i can do the job in my driveway. i want to save the money on labor. parts alone are going to cost close to 350.00[addsig]

Don't say that there goes my new bikini top and
deck cover... :-( Well I guess I gotta do what
I gotta do....... :-( [addsig]


Well atleast I'm not alone here in
this strugle for jeep perfection.... :-D [addsig]

TOP ROMIN!!!!!!!
Remeber everyone there is alot you can do with them for 10 for a

Gowd how I hate them...[addsig]

LOL your humor is getting to me I was in Utah
a few months ago bad we couldn't go wheeling
then....THANKS UTAH_JEEPSTER :-D [addsig]


'87 to '93 is internal clutch slave, '94 to present is external. You can change the external slave without dropping the transmission, and they tend to last longer. If you can get a '94 or newer bellhousing and transmission input housing, it's a nice conversion to switch over to external. Can't do it if you have the Peugeot BA10/5 transmission, only the AX5 and AX15.

You'll need to drop the transmission to replace the internal slave, may as well replace the clutch while you're in there.[addsig]

That is what I figured, so off I go to droping the transmission
oh---Boy ....Thanks guys for the help..... :-D [addsig]


Hey Snitty where at on E-bay I want one........ :-( :-? [addsig]