cherokee u-joints


New member
Hi, im 16 and have a problem with my cherokee. Its a 94' 5-speed manuel. It goes fine in 2 wheel drive but when ingaged in 4 or 4-low it knocks and jumps around. I believe its the u-joints but want some advice before i do anything. Thanks alot and i hope someone can help.

Not knowing what you do and do not know, I am assuming you are not trying to use 4WD on dry pavement?

That's a no no and trying to do so will make for a herky-jerky front end and can be damaging to many drivetrain parts.

If I am way off and you are having this problem where 4WD should be being used then you can easily inspect your U joints by turning the driveshaft by hand and looking for play and listening for clicks. Any play in them means they are worn.
You can twist the driveshafts by hand with the jeep secured, and see bad ujoints. it's possible the problem is inside your transfer case, like a stretched chain.