Cherokee ignition key cylinder replacement and noise question


New member
My son and I got 2 Cherokees CHEAP. He drove the '89 home but had to pick up the '87 with a trailer because there was no key. Is there an easy to replace the ignition cylinder without the original key?

The '89 has a click in the rear axle relative to rotation, once per rev. Any ideas what that could be? Don't know what axle it has.



OK, clicking was rear "U" joint. Completely gone so replaced it and noise is history.

Any ideas on ingition cylinder???


The first couple of times through I put up a clean table (board on a couple of saw horses) and laid the pieces out in order. I also made a few notes. Not brain surgery but it can get confusing.
If you have trouble getting the cylinder out without the key there is a trick that I've never tried, that may or may not be relevant (I've always had the key).
