BRC Call to action!


New member
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 1:47 PM
Subject: BRC National Call To Action

SEND US YOUR Special Recreation Permit HORROR STORIES

Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber,
Last Thursday, BRC blasted a media release regarding our efforts to pass legislation amending the Special Recreation Permit (SRP) process. BRC Calls for Legislation to Amend Recreation Permitting Process

Since October 2002, BRC has been trying to convince land managers to streamline the recreation permit process. Although the regulations allow wide discretion, allowing numerous ways to make it quick and easy to apply for a permit, the agencies have refused. Sadly, they proceed to tighten the recreational permit noose even tighter.
Recently, small "club rides" have been threatened with fines for simply having small group rides on open, designated routes. Historic and popular competitive events, with little or no past history of problems, are now subjected to expensive analysis and unworkable management requirements. Special interest groups have learned that mere threats of opposition will paralyze land managers with fear and prevent applications from even being processed, let alone approved.
BRC has come to the conclusion that legislation is needed to fix the SRP issue. While we generally support using permits as a tool to managing recreation use and obtaining a fair return for commercial uses of public land, it has become obvious that this is no longer possible. The recreation permit process is overly bureaucratic, expensive for both agencies and the public, and implemented in an unfair and arbitrary manner.

The recreation permit process must be revised. We believe that legislation is necessary to fix the problem, and we need your help!

As you know, we depend on our members and supporters to help us pass key legislation. Today we are asking you to sign our petition in support of a legislative fix to the SRP Process.
We are also asking our members to send us your recreation permit horror stories.