Boxing: Jones vs. Tarver


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Any of you boxing fans?

I watched the fight, Tarver was suprisingly game. I still thought Jones won. But barely. I Jones by 2 rounds with 1 round even.

What'd y'all think?

Jones looked like the weight drop had him tired.

boxing is my favorite activity to watch... i just wish i had more time to watch it
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Hello mingez,

I didn't know there was a fight and didn't see it, but I too like boxing.

During my early teens, I had a very brief fling in the Friends of Boxing (FOB) at the local YMCA. Sadly, an overprotective mother put an end to her Prodigal Son's boxing career because he came home with bruises and a shiner or two. :shock:


(Gadget recalls the 1954 movie, "On the Waterfront" and goes into his favorite Marlin Brando impression.)

"... I coulda had CLASS. I coulda been a CONTENDA. I coulda been SOMEBODY, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it."

Sigh...paths not traveled.

"Hurricane" Gadget :mrgreen: