blockhuggers or shorty headers


New member
Hey guys, I ditched the idea of getting fenderwell headers. I am looking into blockhuggers now. But I kind of like how shorty headers shoot backwards more than downwards. Will shorty headers work in my YJ? How much farther do they stick out than blockhuggers? I think might have a good set of these headers. Any comments PLEASE :D

I like shorty headers since they end higher up usually and you can route the exhaust as needed. the blockhugers might come down to low and interfear with something below(clutch,driveshaft, ect.) Longer headers give a little more low end though.
Don't get blockhugger headers, I've seen more clearance problems created than solved with those things.
As far as power goes, with factory cylinder heads and valve timing you will always be better off with the small diameter/long tube header in a four wheel drive. At the same time though, with a factory engine the power difference between different types of headers is less dramatic. If the shorties fit best, I would run them. At least the collectors will be up out of harms way.
I ran the shorties from Advance Adapters on my 350 YJ, no problems. I wrapped them with the heat tape and that worked wonders.

What's the difference between the shorties and the block huggers?

Bounty-- the blockhuggers are those short headers that you see on old hotrodded roadsters where the tubes stay close to the engine and the collectors point downwards to tuck inside the narrow frames of those cars. The shorties are just like long tube headers, just shorter and the collectors are pointed down and back at an angle instead of straight down like the blockhuggers or straight back like a long tube design.
Brake lights

The shorties that I am looking at are the ones that HEdman Hearders is in Will I run into problems with the shorties? Do they clear the d shaft and the frame? I heard that Header tape causes them to rust??? Comments?
I had the AA type where all 4 tubes come together in the center and dump straight down towards the oilpan, no clearance issues in a YJ.

But you have Blockhuggers Bounty, those are always bound to work. I was wondering how far the shrties extend from the block?
Blockhuggers aren't always bound to work. I guess if you buy blockhuggers that were designed to work with your combination, well....those WOULD be bound to work. I've seen universal blockhugger headers cause nothing but problems.
Why does it matter how far the shorties extend from the block? Are you trying to clear some special part or mod you have done? Just buy a set of headers designed to work with your setup. Lots of people have put 350s in Jeeps, as long as you buy from a well established company, it's a safe bet that they have worked out the bugs of that particular design. If you have some special concerns then call the tech guy at the company that makes the header you are thinking about and ask if they will work.
No, nothing special. Just wondering cause there are always catches when you buy something. So I think I will stick to the HEdman Headers= shorty.
Thanks to all of you.