Bigtime ouch


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Quality Info

Yesterday, we reached 69 degrees.. that is VERY warm for western ny in January... so i had the top flipped back all day... well.. guess what i forgot to flip forward...

turned dark, started raining.. rained for about 8 hours.. as the temperature fell.. and fell.. and fell.. and fell.. now we're back to around 13 degrees... i look outside this morning.. and oh what do i see? a snow covered jeep, with the top flipped back... so not only was it snow covered, but it was snow filled.. with a good layer of ice under that... my seats are frozen solid, ice all over the floor... i'm gonna have a great time getting that taken care of...

the jeep is running right now with the heat on.... good way to spend my gas money eh?

If it makes you feel better, the same thing happened to me last year minus the snow. Had the top down, forgot, it rained for a couple hours, then froze overnight. The seats were solid blocks of ice. I had to deal with it to work and back then let it sit in a heated garage for a couple hours. It didn't dry completely and had a sheet of ice on the seat the next morning which promptly cracked under me bum when I sat down.

It was a mess!

RE: Quality Info

Guess it's a good thing you own a Jeep. Imagine if that was your brand new Porshe convertible?! Gotta look at the bright side.
RE: Ha ha ha ha

LOL.....I feel for ya bro...I've had the "floating floor mats" and wet seat....never had it freeze though.......brrrrr...would hate to have to set on ice for a drive :shock:

OMG!! I'm sorry Snitty but I have to admit that I giggled when reading your story. LOL . I hope nothing is damaged though.
RE: Ha ha ha ha

One of our locals had the windows out of his Jeep and left it parked along the road during a snow storm last year and the plows filled it up with snow overnight.
RE: Ha ha ha ha

Snitty, I know your probably not too happy about it....But I was laughing my a** off reading that!!!

Did you get any pictures???? I would love to see that one!

I have also left my top down and got the whole flooding thing going on, but never ice and snow!

So sorry Snitty but you got me giggling too. all I can picture is you sliding around on your seat!!!!!!!! :lol:
On a serious note I hope there is no damage and this will be a minor lesson learned
Never had that happen....yet. I did make the mistake of leaving my window down when visiting my parents place. Forgot about the sprinklers. Came out to a completley soaked jeep. That didn't bother me too much, it was the fact that water got behind my dash and fried the circuit board that lights up my speedo and tach. Still haven't fixed it.

RE: Transfercase rattle on a 99 TJ

Im sure its not easy to do, but thats one of those things ya gotta just laugh about. I almost had that problem, but it took us an extra day to get that cold, so mine dried out before the freeze. Hope ya get all thawed out bud.


I've never had a Jeep full of snow (It never snows here), but I have had the Wrangler soaked a few times. :roll:

Craig said:
Forgot about the sprinklers. Came out to a completley soaked jeep. That didn't bother me too much, it was the fact that water got behind my dash

You know, watering the driveway won't make it grow :p ... or were the sprinklers just badly out of adjustment? :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
RE: water in transmission

I get this mental pic of snitty out there in his ever present shorts in the cold winter air shivering with a blow dryer melting out his driver seat! Dang it all this is a funny yet harsh jeep fact of life. tug

hahahaha, i'm sorry to hear that, but i know you wouldnt have posted that if you didnt expect people to laugh with you about it. hope the thaw goes well. thank god for drain plugs?!
laugh all you want... i laughed when i looked out there this morning...

another thing... because of a crack in my frame that i haven't completely fixed yet.. i haven't been able to get the jeep inspected.. and along with the snow and ice.. i found me a $50 parking ticket for being parked with an expired inspection...

i haven't tried everything yet to see if it all works... it did rain pretty hard... i hope all the stereo stuff is ok... it all should be, its rained in there many times...

haha.. tug is right... i was out there in my shorts cleaning off all the snow

HOW did i forget to take pics? i can't believe i forgot... there is still snow in there... if i remember in the morning, i'll do it
Inauguration Day Music

That is too funny. Glad to see you don't take life too seriously and are able to laugh at yourself when needed.

That must have been a chore getting the ice out - it's not as though the YJ's have a real effective heater to melt it all.

yeah i ran the jeep on full heat for an hour and it did nothing
RE: Inauguration Day Music

dude - thats PRICELESS - i love it - defiantly hope it never happens to me - i'd probly laugh my ass off - i'd also probly be pretty pissed. definantly would be a ride to remember - i like to drive in the snow... but i dont know if its my body to be in the snow while drivng :| :p
antsinmypants said:
dude - thats PRICELESS - i love it - defiantly hope it never happens to me - i'd probly laugh my booty off - i'd also probly be pretty pissed. definantly would be a ride to remember - i like to drive in the snow... but i dont know if its my body to be in the snow while drivng :| :p

Love that screen name! :lol: :lol: That's pretty funny in itself! :lol: :lol: :lol:

RE: Jeep & Joopin designed decals

Snitty said:
laugh all you want... i laughed when i looked out there this morning...

another thing... because of a crack in my frame that i haven't completely fixed yet.. i haven't been able to get the jeep inspected.. and along with the snow and ice.. i found me a $50 parking ticket for being parked with an expired inspection...
man, how cold can you be, the meter maid obviously saw that you were already going to have one problem when you got to your car in the morning. i know its their job, but sometimes you just need to have a little bit of compassion...