Re: What did you do to your Jeep today?
so today Wife and I finished wire wheeling and flapper wheel sanding the entire frame. removed the axles from the frame and have the frame up on saw horses. We ordered this product called rust seal from KBS. got a kit that comes with wash , metal prep, and sealer. Works like por 15 they say, i'll let you know. Started to disassemble engine to check it out and see if i really need to rebuild it or just freshen up. Pulled upper intake and found lots or crud under area where the push rods come down through. I was thinking of pressure washing crap out of push rod intake area but not sure if it will hurt engine or not. I will probably be pulling heads too so I can check out pistons and lower bearings. Got the original paint color amc blue for the engine also to paint engine with once it's all cleaned up. Can't wait till this is all done... this is for the wife and she has yet to pick a color.... she likes 4 different ones.... tangerine twist, lapis blue, root-beer and and cinder red. Have to return the rear floor pans I got from classic to current fabrication as they do not have the same contour in the rear foot well area. the new outboard supports I bought matched exactly but the pans were like 3/8 inch short from touching them. can't have that flex in floor area so I'll be ordering some new ones from quadratec soon. They say they are identical to original we'll see.