Atlanta Shooting


New member
Hear about the shooting in Atlanta courthouse. Rape suspect shot and killed the judge, court reporter, and a deputy. He also shot a deputy, and pistol whipped a reporter and car jacked him. Now this violent criminal is on the run. I believe he should have no rights to a trail EVER again. When they find him, i hope he ends up dead. That is pure evil. Does anyone think is is innocent of the rape charge? That just goes to show his guilt right there. SCUM OF THE EARTH!

Drops I just read it on the net myself, at lunchtime. I don't know how he thought he was going to Help his situation (being up for rape) by killing a judge and a reporter. That is just insane. He must have a death wish. Watch and see if he doesn't end up killing himself or something.
RE: Cat shoots Owner

That's sad. When I was a kid, my neighbor was a sheriff's deputy (I went to school with his son) and had something similar happen. A suspect on the way to court grabbed his service revolver and killed him. I can't remember much else about it, just that my friend never was the same again. Looking back, I've had 4 good friends and acquaintances killed in the line of duty, most recently my 2nd cousin killed another distant cousin.......

I hope they catch this guy alive.....death is too good for him, at least right off the bat. Make him languish in prison awhile, then fry him.