As the saying goes!


New member

I read my Quadratec catalog alot. My wife thinks I am obsessed with looking at parts and acessories... maybe I am! I told my buddy at work that my wife thinks I am nuts and he tends to agree. He says that I have a problem with always reading Jeep mags and logging on to Jeep websites... maybe I do! Or maybe it is as the saying goes... "It's a Jeep Thing, You Wouldn't Understand!"

I really hope that I am not alone in my obsession! From the looks of this website, I am definately not! :-D [addsig]


I'm with ya Ray! Most of my friends tell me that I'm obsessed with Jeeping... eh, what do they know! They don't know a Jeep. :-D :-D :-D :-D [addsig]

Well Duh! is what I tell em. Jeep mags and catalogs in the bathroom, My favorits on the webb are bookmaked in a file called Jeep Stuff, I post to much on Jeepz, I am looking to buy another Jeep for my wife, have a couple of Jeep ball caps, a Jeep rain jacket, Tshirts, I park the jeep under the car port and the caddy set in the weather, It is a sickness but it aint hurting anyone. Jeepaholic that is what we are and many do not understand. Tug ;-) [addsig]

Same here..... Jeep mags and catalogs in the bathroom and more Jeep sites in favorites than anything else (also in a folder marked JEEP STUFF).[addsig]


You guys been dumping in my bathroom? Im always afraid my wife is going to toss my mags out. She knows Im going to find something else to buy. And I will. :evil: [addsig]

I always have to dig my mags out of the garbage because my wife tosses them but if not... another is always in the mail![addsig]

yup same hear. most all my magazines stay in the reading room (aka the head). files are under jeep stuff.........this is scary :lol: [addsig]


the wife and i have a understanding, parts catalogs don't leave the garage, bathroom or my side of the bed and they don't get tossed.{ it's all about the give and take}[addsig]

Well fear not for thou areth not alone..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mags and Cats,

IT's A OlllllO Thing........ WE UNDERSTAND....... :-D :-D :-D

:cool: [addsig]

heh i got the same problem. just did a search on my computer for files & folders containing the word "jeep" and came up with 197 hits, and this doesn't include any of my digital camera pictures that i haven't renamed yet...

my desk is covered in papers and booklets for college, credit cards, and bills, but the number one cause of clutter is my jeep - receipts, manuals, magazines, catalogs...

:lol: [addsig]


i'm right behind you i'm always looking for jeep stuff wavin' to jeeps on the road and lookin' at stuff to make my jeep better my mom and my grandmother think i am crazy but....... as the saying goes
"It's a Jeep Thing, You Wouldn't Understand!"
:evil: [addsig]

I am the same way. I have a stack of Jeep stuff about a foot tall. in my favorites my Jeep folder has about 150 items in it, my jeep stuff foler has 170mb in it and my room is covered in jeep stuff (old parts, posters and stuff)
