Anybody getting married? Thinking about it?


New member
Alright, an outrageous plug here......This old couple have created a website for one of mudwoman's rugs!!!!

We would appreciate any comments whatsoever......good, bad, ugly - we don't care. It's all new to us and we'd appreciate any comments......web design, product, futility, political correctness, ethnic slurs, non-jeepness, WHATEVER!!!!! We will elicit no points nor time-out for negative comments, but we shamelessly ask that if you like what you see, that you pass it along to anyone you know who might be interested. Mudwoman thanks you profusely as she hopes, and prays, she won't have to get a day job!!!!

HTML challenged,

PS - site is active but undergoing constant construction at the moment............we'll get it down eventually!! And thank you, Terry, for your help and advice! I envy you not!
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Cool idea! I think cultural products like that are great!

I have 2 critiques:
The tool bar at the top shift positions from one page to the next (atleast in firefox) everytime you click on a link. I think it looks slicker to keep them at the same height and justification on all of the pages. In other words, if I click on "Contact Us" on one page, the cursor should be hovering over the "Contact Us" link on the destination page.

Also, the lighting on the rugs could be better, and perhaps crop out the tile behind them.
Unfortunately, I'll have no use for your product seeing as how I'm going to die alone. LOL. :p :(
Thank you, Ian- we really appreciate your insight. a just get down here and I'll find at least 900 women who would be damn lucky to have you!! Are you one of those picky men that require teeth??..........oh,never mind!!
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Hey, mingez, greatly appreciate your critique!!! Yeah, the site is in it's infancy........we just uploaded what we had, we'll get better (thanx to comments like yours!!!). My first attempt at a website and let me tell you, it's a royal P.I.A.!!!!! But once it all gets set, I'm thinking it'll be easier to maintain.

And once you realize you won't die alone............keep us in mind!.........................she's out there, trust me.

found one - oops! wrong one! - found another - yep, that's THE one,
I think they are a great product. I have never heard of them, but what a great wedding gift they would be. You would, of course, have to give them in advance but very cool.

As for the website, I didn't even notice the menu moving, but going back to check it did it for me too. I don't think it is a big issue, but I'd think that anything to ease navigation would probably be helpful.

The designs are impressive to say the least. You are a talented artist. Maybe you could incorporate some verses with them 1 Corinthians 13 for those who it may interest or maybe some others for other religions as well. Just a thought. I'd hate to have it make them look cluttered or less artistic with text though... Like I said... just a thought (I'm no artist ;) )

I am curious as to pricing. Having pricing and the ability to order online with a couple clicks will no doubt move more products. The ability to pay via Paypal would really help you out. If you don't have a business account through them it is very easy to get one. I started one for selling on eBay years ago and it was very simple and the only fees come when you actually sell something (free to set up). Maybe you could even put them on eBay... you'd be amazed at how many people have developed lucrative business with much simpler or even seemingly silly ideas.

I think you are on to something here... Kudos!

Try looking at office depot for a web page creation software called "coffee Cup"

I bought the cd really cheap and it is an awesome little program to make websites with.

You don't have to know any HTML
I used to build me sites with HTML and I spent alot of time trying to "fix" things to look right. This thing will save huge amounts of time.

You can look at a few of the sites I made with the software just messing around and I have zero talent for this kind of stuff.

my church's website

my family page
Thanx much for the replies!! That's what I was lookin' for..........comments from my fellow Jeepers whose opinions I respect (that's all of you, by the way!!). I'll thank you on mudwoman's behalf, TC.........she really is an amazing artist. And yes, we're planning on the PayPal thing (I'm workin' on it). And 90, I will check out that software...........our hoster is Powweb and their online software appears to be somewhat limited.............and, what, no video link on your family site to your "XJ pulling down patio" video??:lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway, it's a learning experience for me, so it keeps life exciting. And I have very thick skin, so flail away at me.........critique your hearts out!!!! Again, thanx all.