alarm question, and revenge on the side


New member
seems some of my friends thought it would be hilarious to get in my jeep last night around midnight and pour about 4 gallons of popcorn into my jeep. needless to say that today when i got in it to go to school i was not in what u would call a good mood. i didnt figure out who had did it till the end of the day almost and its a good thing i didnt find out about 1st or 2nd hour cause i prolly would have flipped on them and tryed to kill them all. lol. they all ended up saying they were sorry and it was just a joke and they thought i would laugh about it and think it was funny :roll: so ive decieded two things A. i need some type of alarm or something, B. revenge shall be o so sweet. i was looking at the bulldog security alarm in summit and then get the doppler sensor with it. does anyone have any experiance with it? it will be about 70 for the alarm and another 25 or so for the motion sensor. the other order of biznass is to get them all back. im going to take the driveshaft out of one of the kids truck at night and leave it setting in the bed.(least mechanicaly able of the 4), then one has a 5.0 fox body vert stang, i think im gonna jack up the back end about 1/2 an inch off the ground and put it on blocks with the wheels still on so all he does is spin. then my girlfriends dad gave me an idea for another one, put a quart of oil taped to the exhast manifold, then when the exhast gets hot it burns a hole in the bottle and we get a tinny weeny bit of smoke. then the last one that came up with the hole idea i think im gonna either take off all his wheels and leave his truck on blocks with the wheels in the bed and all the lugs torqued back on as tight as i can possibly get them or just dump about 4 gallons of sawdust on the inside of his truck. any one have any other revenge ideas that wont hurt the vehicle just realy realy piss my friends off?


Here is a good one.Get the keys to your friends car.And while he goes out on vacation.Put his car in the cafeteria.Then mail him the keys.I saw that one somewhere and it was perdy funny.The truck was in the cafiteria for like a week. :lol:
All those ideas sound great. Especially the sawdust. I too, am curious about the bulldog unit, as it is cheap, casue i dont want to spend lots of money on something electrical that can get messed up.

If you're looking for an alarm with a motion sensor, DON'T get a cheap one....they're nothing but headaches. I've had 3 different alarms in various vehicles that all had motion sensors and I can tell you right now that if you go with one that isn't from a reputable company, you're gonna wish you'd never bought it. The motion sensors can be triggered by variations in temperature, radio waves, flourescent lighting, garage door openers ect. If you get a cheap one or one from a company that isn't very reputable when it comes to alarms, it'll be going off all the time and you're neighbors aren't gonna like you very much when it's going off every night. One of my old ones would go off every night from the temperature change at neighbors were pissed. The alarm I'm using right now is the best I've found and according to the shops I've been into around here, they all agree, it's the best with the least amount of false alarms. I'm using the Alpine 150R which is the only alarm on the market (that I know of) where the brain of the alarm and the motion sensor communicate with each other, reducing the amount of false alarms. With most others, the motion sensor works on it's own and will just trigger the alarm. Also with this alarm, it has dual zones meaning it has a perimeter outside your vehicle as well as inside. The outisde perimeter is just a warning and can be turned off if you want................... As for revenge on your friends, you could try what I did to get back at one of my friends. If they're available in your area, get a stink bomb...usually available at novalty shops. Get the kind that come in a glass vile. Tape it to the bottom of your friends gas peddal so when he floors it, it'll break the vile and he'll be stinked out of his great!
Well, in my opinion. I would just stick with an alarm that goes off only when you open the doors or when there is some kind of shock on your Jeep.The other one will simply be ignored after it goes off everytime somebody gets close.-al
If your gonna get an alarm, the best would be to get one made by DEI (directed electronics incorporated) They make:

and more. The installation is pretty straight foward, and they have a lifetime warrenty regardless of who puts it in. The number of add-on accessories is only limited to your wallet.

Stay away from auto mate, code alarms, and bull dog. They have been known to have faulty micro relays and are not the best!

Revenge- This stuff is so sweet! It all depends on how mean you want to be! I did this a couple years ago and is great! The day before christmas, put your unsuspecting friends car/truck on blocks and take their tires and wheels. On christmas eve no insurance companies are open so there is no worry about a false claim. The next day give the tires to him/her for christmas! Make sure they sweat it though. Get a huge box if you can and put the tires in there with some popcorn just to remind him/her of why you did it!