aftermarket fuel level gauage


New member
I am replacing the factory gauges in my 1987 Jeep yj with aftermarket Auto Meters I also want to replace the "fuel level" gauge but Auto Meter sells 3 different gauges that they specify works with following equipment:
  • 0 empty/30 full works with most pre 1965 Chevy/GM sender
  • 0 empty/90 full works with most 1965 to 1997 Chevy/GM senders
  • 73 empty/10 full works with most pre 1986 and most Chrysler
If anyone can tell me which I need to go with it would be a huge help

I used to know, but now I forget.. if you google search, I know it is out there, it uses the sme Ohms as a chevy sender.. I think is ia 0-80 e-f..

It is definately not the first and last.. the 0-90 should work.. But again SEARCH FOR IT
Just in case anyone else needs to know it's the 0 empty/90 full found on 1965 to 1997 Chevy/GM senders that works on the YJ