A sad note...


New member

Two days ago...my bro's '99 Sahara received an unauthorized tattoo on the driver's side front fender area. An incompetent driver (I'll exclude age, sex, race, religion, blood type, height, weight, measurements, eye color, etc. in order not to offend anyone) ran a red light and smashed the front of his Jeep. :-( :evil: Not only was this injustice enough, but the pursuing frustration was multiplied exponentionally by the immediate misdirected blame, from the guilty party, and feigning of injury. The driver, armed with a learner's permit, exited their car only to shout obscenities and exclaim the extent to which their neck immediately hurt. Ain't that some $h!t...Not only did this person cause the accident...but blames the innocent one...and tops off the cake with the "I'm going to sue your ass because I'm a moron" crap. Long story short...with a cornicopia of witnesses available...the other person got the ticket. Just sucks that one beautiful Jeep had to be sent to the ER. Hopefully all the kings horses and all the kings men can do their best...or hopefully they'll just total it out...good excuse to get a Rubicon.[addsig]


He must be in New Mexico! LOL That's how it is out here. The guy in charge of the MVD has 3 DUI's! A similiar thing happened to me. I was driving down a street and the right lane becomes a right turn only lane, just before a certain intersection. So the person in the right lane, goes straight through the intersection while they were in the right turn only lane. This person proceeds to cuss me out. So I laugh and told them that they went straight throug the right turn only lane. They then point to their kid and tell me to be more carefull. Oh ya, the kid is standing up in the backseat! LMAO They were so busy yelling at me that they almost rearended another car in front of them and the kid ended up in the front seat. That was my fault too![addsig]

About three months ago I was in traffic leaving downtown Boston on this three lane road called storrow drive, and this dude in a geo something cuts in front of me. I beeped and he stoped and got out so I told him to get back in or else and he did, (not because of the thunder in my voice but rather I think he wanted to truely avoid a conflict) so we continue down the road and eventually he gets in the lane next to me. He starts to look over at me and is yelling, I kid you not but just as he was going to say so really colorful thing about my muddy jeep he readends the truck in front of him, I could not stop laughing the whole way home![addsig]


Sore Jeep! Sorry just glad no one is seriously hurt! Tug :-( [addsig]

my friends 01 TJ got DRILLED today by a chick in a mini van and then rearended by a chick in a YJ, its totalled and hes gettin a rubicon!! im pretty pumped cause this kid actually jeeps, hes all into the jamborees and camp jeep. im gonna actually get to ride in a rubicon and 4 wheel in one too, i guess good things can come from bad[addsig]


My 94 YJ hs rubicon stickers, if ya wanna go for a ride that bad, I will take ya! Seriously.
God Bless Ebay[addsig]

Thanks for the replys of concern and optimism. Tug - that's the best thing that came out of it...nobody hurt...even including the ignorant guilty party. We all see enough injury and devastation everytime we turn on the TV...especially the last two weeks. It could have been much worse...a half a second later she (like previously stated...no stereotypes being cast upon female drivers...there's an equavalent distribution of lesser than average drivers among all populations) would have hit dead on balls (can I still say balls and not be considered as one of those on the newly formed black list? I must have missed some action for the week and a 1/2 that I was out of town...Key West...awesome!!!!) broadside and the full soft doors didn't come with the side curtain airbag option.
As for all the other tales of horror...my sincere sympathies.
As for all the other tales of those getting what they deserve - :lol:
As far as a Rubicon...I'll keep ya'll informed. He's also been looking at a '73 CJ...quite a change but cool in my book.
Oh yeah...the accident happened here in Lakeland, Fl.
Take it easy... :cool: [addsig]