91 Cherokee Not Startin (Sorta)


New member
Hey there all. I am buyin a 91 Cherokee (6 cyl, MPI) but first I get to fix it!

Heres the low down. I fixed a few small things, including an oil leak. It had it for a while and built up a nice coat of dirt, grime sand and oil all over. I degreased it and guess what! A problem...never fails. Anyway, I cleaned it on Sunday, let it sit and dry until Monday. Started right up. Wed I went out. Started it, put it in reverse it dies. Now its not starting. Itll start to go, run for a second and die. Sometimes it will start, rev REAL high, the belt will squeal (like a piggie) annnnnd then die out. The few times it will start I give it some gas and it stalls out. I used to get error codes 14 and 13 (Bad voltage to the MAP and bad vacuum lines). Those have gone away but Im still wary of the lines.

So now Im pulling at straws. Im hoping someone could give me a hand. Ive got a few ideas of what it could be but Id like some more input. This is the first jeep Ive worked on. :)

Thanks Alot

need help with mc2100 1.21

Wet distributor or coil? Neutral Safety Switch? How about a good tune-up?
Distro and coil are fine. Neutral saftey switch isnt an issue. And I doubt a tune up would go wrong in two days.

The fresh gas and filter entered my mind. I already pulled it and tried running without it. Still no good. Im not sure the pressure would be enough without it though...

Thanks for the help

Re: A Gadget Moment

crankshaft position sensor? mine went bad at 145k... its on the bellhousing and will go bad without a check engine notification, it will just start sucking.

RE: cherokee leaf packs

Thanks for the help guys.

Im assuming its not the neutral switch because of the fact that it will actually start.

And yes, I checked Dist and coil.

I did not think about the Crank sensor. I might have to try that. Its only 40 bucks at autozone. Ill keep you guys informed.

After that its back to my hunch of the fuel system.