87 trans stuck in gear


New member
I have an 87 jeep with the Peugeot BA-10, my friend decided it would be funny to pull out the shifter while it was in 2nd gear, now i cant get it back to neutral, is this a simple fix or should i start looking for a replacement transmission?

I'm not trany savvy. But it sounds like your buddy broke the shifter inside leaving it in 2nd gear. My other theory is that some teeth broke off somewhere inside causing it to not be able to engage. But like I said this is just an uneducated guess. It's prob going to be expensive whether a shop does it or even if you do it.
Being that its an 87 and that BA10 didn't die already is a shock. My 88 with that trans is half dead, always gets stuck in first. Kinda a pain at traffic lights or stop signs. I'm going to dump an NV3550 in it soon. I don't think there is much point in rebuilding those trans as they stink.
Let me reclarify the situation, the shifter is not bolted to the transmission, you can pull it out with ease but he pulled it out while it was in 2nd gear, i assume that if i can manually get it back to neutral then i can reseat the shifter and it will be fine, but i havent succeded in putting it back to neutral

So the shifter is out and your just looking for the hole to put the shifter pole back in?