4wd while moving or stoped?


New member
heres a dumb question. some ppl say to be traveling at 2-5 mph there put it in 4wd. some say u can do it at 45mph. and some say do i when u r stopped.... engine on? engine off? haha clear up the confusion.

4lo do it when your stopped,engine running..I usually put mine in neutral,not sure if need to.4hi you can do while not moving or up to 55mph.
I think 93 and up are shift on teh fly, for Hi, any where between 0-40 MPH and you can engage 4wd. When I drove the jeep on the street, I perfered to do it from stop, if it would not engage, I would go to a slight roll.

I shifted my pick up into 4wd last week while going 45 mph(states it can be done till 60) and I go the most god aweful sound.

My 4Lo is real seems kinda tricky, never seems to work the same way. Sometimes I can engage and disengage in neutral or park with the engine running, and sometimes I've had to shut the Jeep off to disengage it without getting a horrible grinding noise.
For 4lo I put it in neutral and sometimes I used to have to rock back and forth a bit to get it engage but switched to a Novak shifter and it glides right into lo now. Never tried 4lo in gear prob would have to force it.