33x12.5 15 on 8 or 10 inch wheel?


New member
I have a 06 unlimited, stock, i have not decided on the wheels (aluminum or steel) but now I'm not sure of the wheel size, 8 or 10 inch. I'm getting a lift with 33's. Any pro's or con's to both. I see a small price difference, but just looking for info before I make a decicion. Mostly road driving if that helps.

Depends on whether you like your tires fat or FAAAT. The 10" will make the tire a bit wider and shorter as well. You will be able to air down a few psi more with the 8 without worrying about popping a bead. I have ran both and prefer the 8 for the above reason.
It will handle better on-road with 10's. Off-road is better with 8's because as mentioned you can air down more and the bead is more protected from rocks and damage by the sidewall.
Also when you go a lot wider, get the front end realigned. Geometry being what it is, wider wheels will align differently.
Steel & 8" both get my vote.

Sometimes it's better to run tall narrower tires too. Where I am is usually a crust that breaks to coarse sand so I like wider tires, I don't know what you run your Jeep in but these things would help you decide too. Sometimes the wider footprint isn't the right choice.
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I liked running 10" wide (wide footprint before you even start to air down).... and aluminum rims (I rarely "rock craw") I usually play in the dirt, some mud and snow.... and this will be a never ending debate....
8"s will help keep the bead on the wheel better when you air down. It'll also protect the tire a bit more. 10" wide wheels is a bit wide for 12.5 tires in my opinion.