1ST hang-up in jeep


I had to dig out the sand out from underneath the skidplate ( and the sand that was jammed inside the skidplate all around the t-case and transmission..lol) with a small stick untill the wheels could get a good enough bite.....not a single dang tree within in reach to hook a cumalong too either...lol it was quite funny looking back at this incident...[addsig]


when you're posting pics, you can have them show up in the thread by using HTML code... or the "image" button in the posting screen...

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edited by: dingus, Mar 02, 2003 - 08:14 AM[addsig]

cool!! i knew there was a better way to uploaded this pic...thanks for the tip :-D [addsig]


Her name is Chelsea and has been putting up with the jeep ( quite honourably, i might add) ever since i bought it...She has come to take a liking to the jeep xj's and hopfuly she will let me help her buy one...lol...2 jeeps are better than one anyday :-D

edited by: west747, Mar 03, 2003 - 07:47 PM[addsig]

Not that it matters male or female just maken sure. I thouthg to my self I said self ol west sure is a nice looking young lady but I had you placed as a male. You are right two is better than one then you will most likely at least have one on the road all the time anyway. Tug :-D [addsig]