1987 Jeep XJ manual window issue


Active member
My Passenger side front window will not roll down all the way and gets stuck coming back up the gears are skipping I can hear it, is there a fix for this? If I remove the mechanizum can I get replacement gears to rebuild this or is there a replacement mechanizum, I have not found anything online so far?

My stepson used to have a Liberty and both of his back windows quit working [would actually slip down] Since it was rare for anyone to ride in the back seat and to save him money I just propped those 2 windows up. On his there was a plastic gear that stripped out if I remember correctly.

Are your windows electric or manual? I would assume you'd have to buy the entire mechanism.
I have never seen manual windows strip so i dont know what is in them. I imagine someone makes a reolacement assembly but you might have to find a newer year xj to use them from