Search results

  1. J

    Bad Jeep Dealer

    I appreciate your very positive feedback. You guys have certainly proven yourself a great looking group of individuals. I will definatley be using this board more often...but I'll change names to something a little less aggressive. Its time to stop worrying about this dealer and move on to...
  2. J

    Bad Jeep Dealer

    Folks, you are all quick to judge. I made a broad statment about my experience for good reason. You'd all be bored to death to read the 3 month long ordeal that unfolded. And in the end, sure there were a few more bucks exchanged than I would have cared to spend, but the money was truly not the...
  3. J

    Bad Jeep Dealer

    Good news travels fast, but bad news travels faster. Buyer beware, stay out of Robert's Jeep in Auburn Washington. Their prices are fair market value, but their honesty and integrity as decent businessmen is by far the worst I have ever experienced. No need for the raw details, just beware...