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  1. T

    Next TN Jeepz ride.

    You're right. What's done is done and nothing can change what has happened. It's a shame things couldn't have worked out better. It's a shame that feelings got hurt, but the bottom line is we all have memories that will be treasured - good, bad, or indifferent. It was a pleasure to have...
  2. T

    New member of the family....

    Congratulations! I know you and Rain will make great parents :D Toshi
  3. T

    Next TN Jeepz ride.

    "Well Tug is does deal with me and effect me, in more ways then I rather say on here. The past 5 months have been wonderful and also beautiful." TELL PASMOKEATER I SAID "BEST OF LUCK TO YOU BOTH - ALL I WANT IS FOR YOU TO BE HAPPY" Toshi
  4. T

    Next TN Jeepz ride.

    Tug I'm soooo sorry things didn't work out. Please don't let one apple spoil the bunch :( That apple doesn't represent the barrel. There are still some good folks out there that would really appreciate all you do. I'm sorry that things didn't work out for the Jeepz week. Maybe we can...
  5. T

    Next TN Jeepz ride.

    I'm guessing by the lack of replies there won't be any other girls :( I'm going to let the guys do there thing then - You guys have fun Don't forget to take pictures to let me see what I've missed :D Toshi
  6. T

    Next TN Jeepz ride.

    Air intake for comanche Sorry to hear you can't make it Jeep Girl :cry: Maybe we can all get together for Labor Day :wink: L33TJ33P & me were talking about the 3 of us camping together. Hey, are there any other GIRLS going? Toshi
  7. T

    Next TN Jeepz ride.

    What the ...... ? Will somebody please make up my mind :? Toshi
  8. T

    Next TN Jeepz ride.

    WTS: 03 TJ Hard Top - Perfect Condition So do we all agree to meet in TN the week of June 21st? Let me know so I'm not sitting there listening to the dueling banjos alone :shock: Toshi
  9. T

    Next TN Jeepz ride.

    If PASmokeater is getting everything together where are we going to meet? Erwin or Johnson City? Will the girls still have Momma Tug or will we have to fend for ourselves? OH THE HUMANITY !!!!!!!!!!
  10. T

    Who's In?

    :mrgreen: I'm glad someone I know will be there! Save me a ride please :D Can't wait to have some fun :mrgreen:
  11. T

    Next TN Jeepz ride.

    Let Momma Tug know I'll be there to help her out. Can't wait to see everyone again - Chris, Kristen, Jason, etc. :D
  12. T

    Who's In?

    Is the 2nd Annual Jeeps Week in TN still on? If so, who all's going?