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  1. F

    steering shaft question???

    1046090 <TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><BLOCKQUOTE>Anybody know how to adjust steering shaft to make it a little longer someboddy told me they were extendable.Please...
  2. F

    CJ& PowerSteering convertion

    1046392 Thanks !!! will help a lot now that i know where to start ... [addsig]
  3. F

    Lock for Front Diff. always broken ...

    1049354 First i have a YJ 1990. It's the little fork that work with the vaccum that is always broken and i'm wondering if there is an other way to modify that instaid of replacing the trany. sorry for the description i thought that it was writen in my profile. [addsig]
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    CJ& PowerSteering convertion

    1046092 Im having trouble to install a powersteering gear box on my CJ ... First it was a manuel one and the braket doesn t seem to fit, im joust not able to adjust it right .... does anyone know if it need a diffrent braket or any other way to upgrade .... [addsig]
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    Lock for Front Diff. always broken ...

    1046454 is there any mod (exept changing all the trany) that can be made to improve this part, because if you lock it and the vehicule is not completely stop ... your fork is broken ... someone have an idea !!! [addsig]
  6. F

    break pedal problem

    1068789 every thing is new on my cj7, from the master to the front caliper and rear cylinder. i have bleeded my master and line whit no air ... i pump it up and its ok wait for a little and the i can push it all the way down. i really dont know what to do. i have bleeded my break several time...