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  1. K

    JK 8 sighting

    I was out and about and saw something at my local jeep dealership. Just about wreaked my scooter when i saw it.. Kinda nice that a dealership went and put one together. It really looked alot better in person than in pictures. Of coarse its the dealership link so forgive me...
  2. K

    Done and done

    Well its offical they took the money. The very last payment on the Jeep has been made. Now for the hard part with all this extra cash, what am I gonna do. I have a huge wishlist it's gonna odd actually being able to afford it now. LOL. I just wanted to say its f&@$;*# finally done.
  3. K

    2 in. Lift woes

    Ok i just started adding a 2 in. to my baby. I got the kit from It comes with springs and shocks. Well now to the bad part. First to bolts on the upper rear shock mount sheared off (&@$%^#). With the help of a friend that is a mechanic we were able to remove one of them the other we...