Search results

  1. S

    engine upgrade

    If I want to do an engine swap on a 1990 wrangler, what would make a good engine swap. This jeep has an automatic trany. Would like to know if their is a better engine than the tired six that's in it now. Preferably something that would bolt right to trany. Any info on engine swaps would be...
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    turn signal

    I am trying to get my turn signal to cancel but im not sure how the parts go inside the colum. I was wondering if there are any posts on here with photos. Thanks for any help.
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    Wind shield wiper arms

    Why do the wiper arms inside my windshield frame keep braking. They are brand new so is the windshield frame. I have been welding the ends as they break one by one . Now I have welded all of the ends on the rods. Could this be happening because the windshield is after market and there is some...
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    electric heater

    Hi everyone as we all know the 1985 cj7 has very little heat. I would like to know if anyone can recommend an electric heater. I would be fine with hard wiring a heater in if I could find a good one. Everything that I have seen on ebay or amazon just won't cut it. Thanks for any help or ideas.
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    HEI distributor

    I was thinking of up grading to HEI distributor. Summit sells one for reasonable price. Would like to hear from those that have done it and how they like it. Thanks.
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    polyurathane motor mounts

    Has anyone out there installed polyuralane motor mounts in 258 6cyl. cj7
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    setting the timing

    What should the timing be set at on my 1985 258 six ?
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    4 Wheeling

    Does anyone go in the woods with their jeeps anywhere near the Auburn area.
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    automatic shift lever

    On my 85 cj7 with automatic trany the tf 999. The shift lever on the column will not stay in drive while im driving. When I hit a bump in the road it falls down into low gear. There is no detent to hold it in a selected gear.What is worn and how do I find it and fix it thanks for any help this...
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    fuel filler

    On my 1985 cj7 my gas fill is on the left rear. Every other cj7 ive seen has it on the right. Did they make any with the gas fill on left side. It seems that the left rear tail light also had the plate light in it 'if that's the case that set up will not work for me. Anyway im confused as to...
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    body lift changes

    When installing a body lift what has to be done to the steering column and the shifter linkage. This is a 85 cj7 with a automatic trany. And are there other things that will be affected. I am thinking of going up a little higher but nothing to radical. Thanks for any advice.
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    fender flares

    I bought a set of Rugged Ridge fender flares for my 1985 cj7. The rear flares fit great but the front flares are far to long meaning they go to far to the rear of the fender. I have 39 years doing auto body repairs and I know how to install things such as these. Has anyone out there had the same...
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    used cj7 parts

    Does anyone know of any web sites that sell good used jeep parts. Or is there anyone on this site that sells used parts. I'm looking for head lamp bezels for my cj7. A lot of the after market stuff just doesn't cut it. Thanks Scott.
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    hard top

    I have a yj hardtop that I would like to trade for a cj7 hard top. If interested send massage. And I`ll give more info. Thanks.
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    fuel gauge

    My fuel gauge is not working. Can anyone tell me how to start trouble shooting this problem thanks Scott.
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    Rebiulding a cj7

    I am new to this forum. I have just bought a 1985 cj7 and I will need advice on the best company's to buy from and much more. Once I get into my resto I will be posting a lot. Thanks Scott