I ended up giving $60. Once I do some wire wheel work on it and spray it it'll look good! Any one here from N. TX. Found a cool place for old jeep parts.
Came across a guy who is gonna sell me a tailgate for my 79' Renegade CJ5. This year didn't have one(unless you had the silver anniversary). Do y'all think $50-75 is a fair price?
I wish my 304 was as powerful as your stock 73' 304. What I read and hear after 1975 the horse power really started declining. But once I get it up and going I plan on waking it up a bit.
Well y'all talked me into it. I just went and bought the Herculiner kit. We'll see, Jared I like your set up on your cj. How much lift is on it? Thanks for the help and if you have any pointers on the DIY 'ers. Please let me know.
Where are you and the tail gate located? I would rather run a jeep tailgate but didn't know where to find one and didn't know how pricey they are. Thanks for the insight.