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  1. S

    Got hit by a drunk driver

    That really puts it in perspective for me, it could have been so much worse we were really fortunate to have come out without a scratch. I have no patience for drinking and driving or all the excuses that come with it.
  2. S

    Got hit by a drunk driver

    Uninsured motorist coverage is a MUST here in Northern California due to the high number of undocumented illegal border jumpers we have living here. When they wreck they simply walk or run away from the scene. 9 times out of 10 its not even their car they're driving.
  3. S

    lost my job, was i wrong?

    I agree with Joe.
  4. S

    Got hit by a drunk driver

    Hey all, so I'm bringing my son home from baseball practice and this car swerves into my lane and smashes me head on, I check on my kid then run up to dudes car thinking he had a seizure or something but when he tries to speak all I smell is Budweiser and old cigarettes. Now I'm ****ed but when...